Type 1

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am still getting my head around injecting myself before breakfast lunch dinner then again before bed. If before I eat my levels indicate I am within range do I still have to inject? Wrongly or rightly I have forgotten to take insulin when at a restaurant, eaten the meal and made no difference to my levels? I am seeing my consultant soon but just thought I would get your grasp on it.
If before I eat my levels indicate I am within range do I still have to inject?
Yes, because eating will raise your levels.
Wrongly or rightly I have forgotten to take insulin when at a restaurant, eaten the meal and made no difference to my levels?
That may be because you're in the honeymoon phase (where you're still producing some insulin), or it might be one or more of dozens of other factors. But in general, we need to inject insulin to cover what we eat.
What did you eat at the restaurant? I can think of very few meals that wouln't raise bs...perhaps steak and salad.
but yes, if you are t1 you should inject, even if you can get away with notcdoung (whichi doubt), it will help your remaining insulin producing beta cells, that help smooth the curves in the early days, live longer.
What are your pre meal blood sugars, by the way?
I am still getting my head around injecting myself before breakfast lunch dinner then again before bed. If before I eat my levels indicate I am within range do I still have to inject? Wrongly or rightly I have forgotten to take insulin when at a restaurant, eaten the meal and made no difference to my levels? I am seeing my consultant soon but just thought I would get your grasp on it.

Yes, the bolus/meal injection is to control the rise from the food you’re about to eat. Do you know your meal ratios or are you on fixed doses? If you’re often finding you can eat (carbs) without a bolus/meal injection, it could be that your basal is slightly too high.
Isn't Jac more like a type 3c, than Type 1?

Anyway @Jac60 - the jolly ole consultant and the hospital team will rely on the feedback about what happened when blah blah, in order to advise you on an ongoing basis - so make sure you tell em all of it even if it feels a bit trivial to you - sometimes - it isn't.

Which actual insulin(s) are you using at the moment?
Yes, because eating will raise your levels.

That may be because you're in the honeymoon phase (where you're still producing some insulin), or it might be one or more of dozens of other factors. But in general, we need to inject insulin to cover what we eat.
Thank you
What did you eat at the restaurant? I can think of very few meals that wouln't raise bs...perhaps steak and salad.
but yes, if you are t1 you should inject, even if you can get away with notcdoung (whichi doubt), it will help your remaining insulin producing beta cells, that help smooth the curves in the early days, live longer.
What are your pre meal blood sugars, by the way?
I actually had a biriyani ! And around 6 which for me is good as can go to around 15 which is obviously not good.
Isn't Jac more like a type 3c, than Type 1?

Anyway @Jac60 - the jolly ole consultant and the hospital team will rely on the feedback about what happened when blah blah, in order to advise you on an ongoing basis - so make sure you tell em all of it even if it feels a bit trivial to you - sometimes - it isn't.

Which actual insulin(s) are you using at the moment?
I had major surgery and they removed my spleen and majority of my pancreas. I am on novorapid 3 clicks before meals and 10 of lantus before bed.
I would have thought a biriyani would have raised your bs...all those carbs! I think you must be producing some of your own insulin still. Anyway, you may be best getting advice from the type 3cs on here
Ah, well, so would I until about 3 weeks ago eldest daughter and son in law , here all day and working really hard on our garden, we all helped so when we'd finished all we could and sat down we decided to have a takeaway, someone suggested Indian food and son IL decided on a biriani. Never wanted one really - all that rice and the thinnest sauce, not at all appealing. However the rice was full of bits of chicken and all sorts of veg and the sauce just wasn't thin - the consistency of a coating sauce if not thicker, and again all sorts of veg, some quite decent sized pieces. He said it was the best he'd ever tasted, and I haven't had a Chicken Dopiaza as nice, since about 1969, I think !

Just depends on proportion of rice to other ingredients really. And - how much fat!
I had major surgery and they removed my spleen and majority of my pancreas. I am on novorapid 3 clicks before meals and 10 of lantus before bed.

Ok, so you’re not counting carbs. It might be helpful if you had a half unit pen if you don’t already have one. As I said above, it’s very possible your Lantus is mopping up some of the carbs.

Are you on Creon?
Ok, so you’re not counting carbs. It might be helpful if you had a half unit pen if you don’t already have one. As I said above, it’s very possible your Lantus is mopping up some of the carbs.

Are you on Creon?
Hi sorry for late reply. I was but stopped them.
Was that at the advice of the consultant?
I think at the time I had just had surgery and popping pills like they had gone out of fashion and I believe it was more to do with the bowel movement if i remember rightly. Once all settled I stopped them.
I had major surgery and they removed my spleen and majority of my pancreas. I am on novorapid 3 clicks before meals and 10 of lantus before bed.
Hi @Jac60 pleased that you have found the forum.

With the removal of most of your pancreas that will make you a Type 3c. The diabetes bit is treated in much the same way as T1 and then there are other meds to deal with what else is missing. I will flag @eggyg and @Proud to be erratic who are our resident experts on this.

Whilst injecting it can be very helpful to have a half unit pen, as it helps you to get more accurate dosing. Your consultant will work with you on how to make adjustments to these, and there is plenty of experience to tap into on here. Just ask. No questions are considered silly.
I think at the time I had just had surgery and popping pills like they had gone out of fashion and I believe it was more to do with the bowel movement if i remember rightly. Once all settled I stopped them.

Ok. I asked because I wonder whether you’re not absorbing the food properly and so you can eat a meal without insulin (because you’re not absorbing the food well). I don’t know but I’m sure some of the 3cs here will be able to advise you 🙂
I assume that as most of your pancreas has disappeared that you take Creon with your meals. If you don't take enough,or don't take at all, you won't digest what you eat and you will have greasy diarrhea.

I also assume that you take long acting insulin once or twice a day (depending on which you are on) that will cope with any minor rises if you miss your Creon.

If you miss taking Creon with meals you will end up with a deficiency in Vitamins and Folate.
I am still getting my head around injecting myself before breakfast lunch dinner then again before bed. If before I eat my levels indicate I am within range do I still have to inject? Wrongly or rightly I have forgotten to take insulin when at a restaurant, eaten the meal and made no difference to my levels? I am seeing my consultant soon but just thought I would get your grasp on it.
Hi Jac 60.
I know exactly how you’re feeling. I had a total pancreatectomy 2021, also removed my spleen and now to top it all I’m struggling with adhesion blockage,driving me nuts.
If you need any advice,I’ll help the best I can,trust me no question is silly.
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