Type 1 Song

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
This is brilliant :


It is very funny but very true.

A comdien in the USA first did a song to this overture tune about being a mum. Then some bright spark decided to rewrite her wording and do the song about a mum with type 1 kiddies. This is the result, worth a listen as its funny but sad and true.

This is good to send to relatives who really just don't get your life.

This is brilliant :


It is very funny but very true.

A comdien in the USA first did a song to this overture tune about being a mum. Then some bright spark decided to rewrite her wording and do the song about a mum with type 1 kiddies. This is the result, worth a listen as its funny but sad and true.

This is good to send to relatives who really just don't get your life.


love it !!
Loved them both!!:D
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