Type 1 or 2 ignorance

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Regrettably, the notion still exists that type 2 diabetes is "less serious" than type 1. I encounter this ignorance from time to time (not perhaps surprisingly in non-diabetics).

We should all know that this is of course nonsense ... it's as if by giving the condition a number (2) that this somehow makes it less significant!

Oh, yes, and you can't 'catch it' by standing near me either!

What was that about a little knowledge being a dangerous thing?!
Regrettably, the notion still exists that type 2 diabetes is "less serious" than type 1. I encounter this ignorance from time to time (not perhaps surprisingly in non-diabetics).

We should all know that this is of course nonsense ... it's as if by giving the condition a number (2) that this somehow makes it less significant!

Oh, yes, and you can't 'catch it' by standing near me either!

What was that about a little knowledge being a dangerous thing?!

Hmm and I was certain Id caught it from someone else !!
Hello and welcome to the forum btw :D:D
You're not wrong Charleeboy, there is no such thing as 'mild' or 'severe' diabetes, despite even official sources still using the terminology - we've all got diabetes, and it's how we manage it that's important. From what I have gathered, Type 2 is harder to manage than Type 1 in many cases, requiring greater lifestyle adaptations, and may have pre-existed longer than Type 1, so may have more undiagnosed problems. All we can do once diagnosed is work hard to find the best way forward for us as individuals.
good post charlee boy for one such new to this forum hehe

i totally agree with Northener type 2,s really do have to ch nage there lives so much , re diet,exercise , i was never one for drink nor crap foods but i ceratainly realise now i am on such a good diet how bad i really was , we just have to all strive to deal with it as best we can with as much prof help as we can get x
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Hi Charlee boy..

I can only say what Northerner and steff have...People need much better education..on diabetes..

Yes education is key, and no matter what type we are we're all screwed!:D:D
no matter what type we are we're all screwed!:D:D

That made me laugh!!

I'm embarrassed to admit that before I started looking (on the internet) into the fact that I may have diabetes I wasn't even aware that there were 2 types, and when I did find out, I thought I had the less serious kind, type 2. 😱

If I hadn't developed the condition I'd still be living in ignorance. 🙄

hello and welcome Chaleeboy.

I agree we need more education for everyone. My son did a first aid course and was not told how to treat a hypo until he asked, then it was only because one of the trainees was diabetic and was going to raise the issue any way. Where I work the first aiders all know how to recognise and treat a hypo because one of the first aiders is a very vocal diabetic, but not all organisations have first aiders whou would even know how to recognise a hypo let alone treat one!
Well i am type 2 and i do feel that it isn't as serious as type 1, maybe thats because of the lack of information given or the way the GP speaks about it. Also because i don't really know i see that my bg's are between 7 & 9 in the mornings thats quite good where a type 1 could be 18 - 28!!!!

Good post though and welcome to the forum

Julie xx
Well i am type 2 and i do feel that it isn't as serious as type 1, maybe thats because of the lack of information given or the way the GP speaks about it. Also because i don't really know i see that my bg's are between 7 & 9 in the mornings thats quite good where a type 1 could be 18 - 28!!!!

Good post though and welcome to the forum

Julie xx

I think all diabetes is serious, but the lack of information about type 2 makes people complacent.

As some one else has said with type 2 you have to make most life style changes, especially in the areas of diet and exercise. A lot of people seem to think if you take a few pills it will go away, but diabetes is for life.

About 15 years ago a friend started going out with someone who was then newly diagnosed. She started doing research in order to help him, but found it hard to find anything on diabetes in general and even harder to find anything on type 2. Things have improved a little since then, but it is still difficult to find stuff if you don't know where to look.
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