Type 1 Gut motility problem

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I have been a type 1 diabetic for 47 years and have generally been well controlled. For the last 10 years I have been increasingly subject to bouts of bloating , abdominal pain , constipation and feeling full . I was initially given metaclopramide which seemed to work for a while, but this has been having less effect , and currently I am feeling increasingly unwell.I had to call paramedics with really bad pains and weakness. I have been referred to gastroenterologists who suspect general motility issues and have been prescribed short term erythromycin to see if that helps, which I have been taking the last few days. The diabetes UK experts have also said there could be SIBO ( small intestinal bacterial overgrowth ) it is difficult to get face to face appointments , so I may have a wait before this can be looked into more seriously. I have noted that diabetic teams have little knowledge of this problem, so are not much help there. I have been told it could be IBS but that seems unlikely. Is there anyone out there that has had similar experience?
Hi @Michael47 if you search both on the forum and internet for gastroparesis you may get some useful information.
Inka, Have been told over the phone that it maybe ,( which is why I was given metaclopramide ) but now involves the small intestine as well, where metaclopramide is less effective
I have been taking ginko biloba tablets to help my feet - it aids circulation in general, but I have really noticed how happy my gut is now. There was a whole lot of gurgling to start with, but that seems to have gone now and everything is a lot brisker. Do check with your GP to ensure there is no interaction with other things you are taking, if you give it a trial.
My digestion wasn't particularly bad to start with, but my gut never seemed to get over the weeks on Metformin, not completely - but it certainly perked up in the last few weeks, and it is a real relief to have normal coloured toes again.
Hi @Michael47 if you search both on the forum and internet for gastroparesis you may get some useful information.
Inka, Have been told over the phone that it maybe ,( which is why I was given metaclopramide ) but now involves the small intestine as well, where metaclopramide is less effective
I speak from experience having had diabetic gastroparesis for over 11 years. You can have both gastroparesis plus another problem affecting the small intestine, which may or may not be related to diabetic neuropathy. Hence my suggestion for looking at posts on the forum about gastroparesis. Gastroparesis needs to be managed through a combination of excellent diabetes control (I use an insulin pump), medication and dietary changes but it is extremely difficult to manage. Sorry that I'm not giving more info at the moment but I'm not in a good place at the moment due to some news that I got today.
Inka, Have been told over the phone that it maybe ,( which is why I was given metaclopramide ) but now involves the small intestine as well, where metaclopramide is less effective

I have no practical advice, I’m afraid, but I’ve done the search for you that Amanda mentioned. There are pages of threads where gastroparesis is mentioned. Some will just be a brief mention but you might find some useful:


Have you been tested for Coeliac disease?
Hi @Michael47 if you search both on the forum and internet for gastroparesis you may get some useful information.

I speak from experience having had diabetic gastroparesis for over 11 years. You can have both gastroparesis plus another problem affecting the small intestine, which may or may not be related to diabetic neuropathy. Hence my suggestion for looking at posts on the forum about gastroparesis. Gastroparesis needs to be managed through a combination of excellent diabetes control (I use an insulin pump), medication and dietary changes but it is extremely difficult to manage. Sorry that I'm not giving more info at the moment but I'm not in a good place at the moment due to some news that I got today.
Sending love. Hope you are ok xx

I have been a type 1 diabetic for 47 years and have generally been well controlled. For the last 10 years I have been increasingly subject to bouts of bloating , abdominal pain , constipation and feeling full . I was initially given metaclopramide which seemed to work for a while, but this has been having less effect , and currently I am feeling increasingly unwell.I had to call paramedics with really bad pains and weakness. I have been referred to gastroenterologists who suspect general motility issues and have been prescribed short term erythromycin to see if that helps, which I have been taking the last few days. The diabetes UK experts have also said there could be SIBO ( small intestinal bacterial overgrowth ) it is difficult to get face to face appointments , so I may have a wait before this can be looked into more seriously. I have noted that diabetic teams have little knowledge of this problem, so are not much help there. I have been told it could be IBS but that seems unlikely. Is there anyone out there that has had similar experience?
Hi Mike, feeling full and constipation yes. I take 2 sachets of fibrogel and one small glass of kefir each day. This seems to have worked for me
Have been taking daily (or every few days) Movicol or Laxido, OK for long time use. Lactulose for more urgent issues.
Sending love. Hope you are ok xx
Thank you Emma. It was just the shock of finding out that my peripheral neuropathy had worsened x
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