Type 1 girl, yr 7, newly diagonosed, looking for MSN buddy.

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Relationship to Diabetes
My 11 year old daughter was diagonosed a few months ago and at first coped well, the "novelty" has now worn off and she is struggling to accept the fact that she has diabetes. What she really needs, is to talk to someone in a similar position to her and that is easier said than done, so if any of you parents out there have a daughter of a similar age that is also looking for a MSN buddy please feel free to contact me. Not a request i would normally make online, but im desperate and able to vet all communication.
Hazel Hughes
Hi, I hope you find the help you need, and someone for your little girl to share her experience with.

It can be tough for kids being different at the best of times. My step son is 4. To all intents and purposes at school he is my little boy, I am his mummy and every one accepts I am an older mum.

Good luck and keep posting here. We can support you and your little girl.
hope you find some one

Hi , I am sure some of the young ones on this site will be in touch when they read this post , there are alot of good friends on this site and i have had alot of good advice from them
Good Luck
also try childrenwithdiabetes.com
there are quite a few teens and kids that use the forums and chat there

have you looked into the diabetes UK kids holidays, they are generally in the summer but might be good for her to meet in person other kids with diabetes.

or you could ask your clinic if there are any other kids that she could be put in touch with locally.
My daughter is in yr8 and was diagnosed less than 3 weeks ago. i am sure she would be more than happy to talk to your daughter as she is just getting used to it herself.
3 Weeks, you are in the thick of it, my daughter Charlotte would love to get in touch this is the email address for your daughter to contact Charlotte or send us yours and we will contact you many thank for getting in touch.

Will pass it onto her (when we can peel her and her brother off the wii they got for xmas.) Nice to know there is someone else with a daughter of the same sort of age who has also been fairly recently diagnosed. would love to talk more.

My 11 year old daughter was diagonosed a few months ago and at first coped well, the "novelty" has now worn off and she is struggling to accept the fact that she has diabetes. What she really needs, is to talk to someone in a similar position to her and that is easier said than done, so if any of you parents out there have a daughter of a similar age that is also looking for a MSN buddy please feel free to contact me. Not a request i would normally make online, but im desperate and able to vet all communication.
Hazel Hughes

Hi Hazel

I am sorry to hear that your daughter had been recently diagnosed with diabetes. I always think that the age of 11 or 12 is such a difficult age to deal with the diagnosis. Just when you were taking your first baby steps to independence you have to deal with this condition and come to terms with it. With all the other things going on in life at this age it can be a great deal to take on board. For parents and the young person

Just a few other things, which might help.

Consider going to one of DUK’s family Support Weekends. Registration usually starts in the spring. Keep looking one their website.

Also look at this website http://www.childrenwithdiabetesuk.org/ which tells you about the UK CWD parents mailing list. There is also a message board available.

Each year the parents from this group meet up for a weekend in order for the children to get together and meet other families who are dealing with the same issues. It’s an amazing experience. Each year more families join us.

Also CWD from the US are holding their first ever Friends for Life Conference in the UK in August 2009, many of the UK CWD list members are going to be attending. See here for details.


mum of Sasha now 14
Hi Laura, i know the feeling its daunting feel free to email me h8y8h@hotmail.co.uk im no expert still loads to learn but so nice to know there is someone else to talk to, i discovered today online that there is a conference in the summer near Windsor for all diabetic kids and familys to enjoy a weekend of fun see the link Hazel

Hi Lottie

Are you going to register to go to Windsor? I am going and loads of other families from the UK CWD mailing list/website are too. I am helping with the conference and went to see the hotel in November and meet some of the team coming over from the US. The picture on the website dosent actually do the hotel justice. Its much better than that in reality. Parts are new and modern but parts are old and full of charm. Part of it used to be a boys boarding school and its joined up to other old buildings

JJ Mum of Sasha
Hi Sasha,

Yes we plan to go to this weekend it looks fantastic just what i have been looking for. Since Charlotte was diagnosed we have found it quite hard to find other children her age in the Uk, so we have great hopes for this weekend. Going to book this week.

Regards Hazel
Thanks Nemo
Hazel sent me the link and my hubby and I have been looking at it and will wee about regitering. I am going to book the time off when I get into work tomorrow. You are right, we only live about 10mins away. looking forward to meeting people on the weekend. i have also e-mailed the link to our ccn incase she wasn't aware of it as it would be useful particularly as we live so close.
hi my name is elle im an 12 yr old girl and my mum has been a member for a while.
i have been through the stage that you are going through and after 2 and a bit yrs i am still kind a strugglin but you'll get the hang of it. when i first got diognosed i was feeling down all the time and was worried about what all my friends would think of me
now i am finding it so much easier and i look back and i now see that diabetes is really not that bad and that i am a happier person in myself
hopefully soon you'll see that diabetes cant really bother your normal life and it should fit in perfectly
please email my mum on heidi.blakemore@googlemail.com
please speek soon as i would love to get to no you morexx
I am 24 yr old woman wiv type1
I no how hard it can b that young and havin 2 cope wiv diabetes. I get T1 when i was 13yrs old and had to take 4 injections a day, at 1st i was ok but then when i got to around 17-18 things went wrong for me i went into denial and had poor control!! I am the only 1 in my family wiv diabetes and its hard when u have no1 to talk to! If ever u or ur daughter need some1 2 talk 2 i am more than happy to help. my mum still does't quite understand diabtes and it been 11 yrs now! 😉
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