Type 1 Diabetic

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am type 1 diabetic and I am struggling to take my jags when I am supposed to. When I was younger I never used to miss any and when I got to my late teens I started not coping very well with it at all. Does anyone have any suggestions that I could maybe try to help me get back on track?
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Welcome Carol

I'm not sure that there are any quick solutions. However, perhaps keeping a diary of what makes it easier or harder to have your jags might help you spot patterns.

You're not the the first person to find things getting hard in teenage years, and I'm sure some who lived with T1D as teenagers will be along soon. What else is important in your life now? Friends, boyfriend / girlfriend, family, job, interests, activities, sport etc?

What support do you get from your diabetes team? Are there any education courses in your area eg DAFNE (Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating)? Many people have found DAFNE (or similar) great for both taking control of your condition and meeting others with T1D. I've never been offered one, though.

What support do you get from family and friends?
Hi Carol, welcome! I was diagnosed t1 in infancy (now in my 30's) & although I never deliberately rebelled as such, when I was on 2 jabs a day I could never fathom a precise cause/effect & when I moved onto multiple daily injections late in my teens although it was an improvement I only had a rudimentary explanation. Carb counting wasn't the issue so much as dose adjusting, & it's incredibly hard to stay motivated if you're doing all thd jabs/testing etc & not seeing 'good' numbers because noone's given you the right 'rules' to go by! 🙄 I know it won't be a miracle solution, but I can definitely recommend dafne - when I finally did it in my mid 20's it was like someone had finally switched the lights on! It's not a perfect solution & mdi is still a fairly crude way to control things but at least when I began to see a direct cause/effect relationship suddenly the jabs etc were more worth it because I could at last get the effect I wanted out of them! Maybe you could have a chat to your dsn about getting on a course? Meanwhile Think Like A Pancreas is a good book - it covers pretty much what dafne does (from what i remember lol) so worth it if you cant get on a course.

Anyway, got to dash - all the best & welcome again! 🙂
Hi Carol. Welcome 🙂

Can't really add to what's been said already. Sound advice.

Definitely easier to see your way through if you have a few things you can fight back with when the BGs go up or down. Knowing your enemy can be half the battle.🙂

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