Type 1 Diabetes

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey all,

I had a question on the effect of Type 1 diabetes within different communities, in particular the South Asian community. A bit of background, I’ve had Type 1 diabetes for over a decade and feel like I need a refresh and take accountability for my condition. As well as wanting to raise awareness. Wanting this refresh, I feel that being a South Asian myself our diets and mindsets are different and there isn’t much representation on the effect of type 1 diabetes on our day to day lives. When the words diabetes and South Asian is put together it’s always referred to type 2 diabetes and this has more of a presence than type 1.
I would like to know who is in a similar situation as me be it having diagnosed recently or is an alumni.

Would you be willing to join me on my journey and share our experiences.
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