Type 1 Diabete's with an unsatble thyroid gland (hypothyroidism)Hashimoto DISEASE just being left untreated, still Self harming

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diganosed Type 1 in June 2003 devoloped over time a Underactive Tyhroid (hashimoto disease) My Thyroid went untreated for 10 years by my Old GP Doctors, i was only treated in end of 2019 becaue of left my old GP surgery for my i was givin Levothyroxine to take and i was told its because your a Type 1 diabetic it's all connected my immune system is attacking and destroying my Thyroid just like what happend with my Pancreas.

i am a Type 1 which is an autoimmune disease same as the Thyroid gland my immune system is attacking and destroying my Thyroid just like what happend with my Pancreas, my immune system destroyed my Pancreas which made me a Type 1 Diabetic.

I feel sick and ill every single day i have spoke to people but no hope i have done privte bllod test that show my Throid is abnormal i ised Boots on line GP'S they give you the results but there just after the money no back up or wrriten letter to my GP to explain my Thyroid being abnormal i have been battling for years with the Mental health the Diabetes so cooled specialtist i waited a year for a face to face with y Diabetes Specialtish, but he sent a letter out and rearranged to for a phone call which lasted 10 mins, i am a vunvurable person i would like and need help,

My clinic is a useless place no help from them what so ever, i am a Type 1 and on a Blood sample Bag thye just but Diabetes Down, Type 1 is my Disease i have to try and live with but i do need help they do that om purpose putting just Diabetes on my Blood form i am a Type 1 that is why there are different Type's like Type 2, just pur rudeness 2003 i was diagnosed i can count how many times a Diabetic Nurse helped me or even a specialtist Type 1 not much help i am getting i was walking around with Swollen legs, i do not drink alcohol or smoke but the Doctors or Diabetes team done nothing for me, i never ask or bother them for anything only when i need help and thats like getting Blood out of a stone

The diabetes specialtest should be helping me with my Thyroid buy they no nothing about it, must be too much work for them, and yes i am annoyed cause the whole system is sh*t over a year for a wait then gets cannelled to a 10 min phone call what a joke try have duty of care and thinking hope it would feel your if your family member needed help.............21 Years i have been a Type 1 and had hardy and help from the Diabetes i had one nice woman phone me up from Diabetes Uk but she can't help me, but she was very nice, hopefully i will have a short life span lol im 44 in Febuary and its Hell living on Earth.
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Welcome @Celtic38 So are you still taking Levothyroxine now?
Hello yes i am on Levothyroxine 150mg a day since 2019, these are the results i had back from the Boots Doctors it said UNDERFUNCTIONING Thyroid gland my Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: is 18.20mlU/L it should be between 0.27- 4.2 also my (FT4) FREE THYROXINE: 20.4pmol/ should be between 12.0 - 22.0 might look normol the Free Thyroxine but my resuts are stil high.

Another blood test place calle Monitor My Health its online said that Thyroxine is on 27.2 pmol/L Thyroxine normal levels should be 12.0 - 22.0pmol/L and my Thyroid was on 0.32mu/L my Thyroid levels are all over the place despite taking my Levothoxine my heart is beating through my chest i amd hot and sweaty then all cold and shivefring the next my Mental state is bad been slf harming since 2009 there is no on to help i go to the GP with the private test's i have done so the doctors check everything out and say everything is normal ?? this is imbarrising my stools have bllod in them i get belly pain, im 43 i dont no if its my Thyroid but i can't sleep my whold body aches, put i have suffered with anixety and depression for years and nearly took my on life about 4 years ago crissis team game out to seem me i take Quetiapine and mirtazapine but they gave me these medications with out a diganoses some of the mental healt team say its for Bioplar as i have a racing mind and have the same things going round and round in my head like intrusive thoughts, end of the day i am stuck in Limbo no help people jusy think i am a weak joke and do not treat me because i am a easy laid back person, and would not cause no problems with health care people i am being neglecting tho first tim i was diagnosed i heard nothing from the Diabetic services, i am not special i just would like help with the Autoimune disease's my Body and its insides do not work correctly i Suffer with every day that goes by Mental and phyicially.
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Sorry to hear you’re feeling so rough @Celtic38 I think the important thing is to separate out your problems because then you can try to deal with them individually.

It sounds to me like it’s the Hashimotos that’s causing you a lot of stress at the moment. Have you asked for copies of the blood tests your GP has done? You say they said they were normal, but if you have the actual GP test results you can see whereabouts in the normal range you are. Perhaps your Levothoxine needs a slight dose adjustment?

Blood in your stools is something that needs looking at. I’d make a separate GP appointment for that and see if you can get some tests and an examination from the GP. Mention your stomach pain too. This needs checking out. This might be connected to your Type 1 diabetes (we can get a shortage of pancreatic hormones that can cause digestive problems) or it might be completely separate. Whatever it is, blood in stools is something that needs checking and investigation by your GP.
The GP test were 6 October 2023
The TSH test from my Doctor's say Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is 4.31 mIU/L. Normal should be between 0.27 - 4.2 and the FREE THYROXINE Serum free T4 level is 16.4 pmol/L the normal T4 Level is 12.0. - 220 so thats GP blod test.

The date on this one was 17/12/2023 2:05 PM
The Boots Doctor test says that my Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is 18.20mIU/L normal should be between 0.27 - 4.2 my FREE THYROXINE Serum free FT4 level is 20.4pmol/I normal level should be12.0 - 22

The date on this one was 03/01/2024
Monitor my health which is a NHS run blood test place said that my Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is on 0.32 Mu/L and my FT4 Thyroxine is on 27.2 and the normal levels for FT4 are 12- 22pmol/L

I have hashimoto (Underactive Thyroid disease Hypothyroidism) so i have high TPO, normal TPO subjects had TPO levels below 52 U/ml my TPO level is on 600IU/mL on the 03/1/24 and on the 2/8/2023 it was on
488IU/mL and the last one i had done was on the 28/02/2023 and that said 580IU/mL
and all the Doc says is thats becasue of your Thyroid never gave no medication to sooth this or control the high levels, for over 20 years i have not been treated right, i don't want symphony but would like to talk to nice people, i never asked to have Type 1 Diabetes or and unsatble Thyroid these are all Autoimune Diseases that no one can stop.


My Thyroid is all over the place i have never seen a Endocrinologists for my Thyroid my mental health is bad now but it will get alot worse if i can't get treated, i can't sleep i have a racing mind all day every day same things going on around and around my head i did say to someone best place for me is not be in this world cause it is Hell.

I had a Kidney scan all clear i had the tube that goes up your bottom the Colonoscopy i did all the preparation got to the Hospital and the NHS workers only got around 40% of my Intestines they said its to blocked with stools it was'nt they could have easiley got all that out but they could not be botherd, i have stage one stage 1 hemoroids no treatment for them just some Senns, my history with the heath service is terrible i was 23 when i was diagnosed as a type 1 i went to see my Doctor to see if he could find out what was wrong but he just told me to come back in 2 weeks i was 23 and 6 stone i was 11 stone but i lost loads of weight anyway went yo Hospital and got Diagnosed there i don't trust many people in the health they tell lies.

Over the years i have had low functioning Kidneys losing albumin this is going bacl all the way to 2014 to this day each side i get Kidney ache, someone is doing something to my medical notes and telling lies in my opinion, i am not special ill yeah and would like to be treated for my health probles, i cut and slice the hell out of my arms, i had a phone call from a nice Woman from the Diabetes place think from on here but nothing has changed.

Everyday i get hold and cold sweats and the sweats sometimes are like the heat is smothering me, i am shivering when its cold like teeth chattering also have racing heart beat like its going to break through my chest, i have mental issues as well but i'll leave that for the moment, the people i am trying to get help from are making me more frustrated, thansk for your message, Inka
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