Type 1 Diabetes Research Project

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am a postgraduate student who is undertaking a Research Project in the area of Type 1 Diabetes and Quality of Life and Depression, in relation to the type of treament people with Type 1 use to control their Diabetes i.e Multiple daily injections or Insulin pump therapy.

Given the current trend for better treatment options in type 1 diabetes this research will contribute to current literature by comparing the quality of life of patients on insulin pump therapy to those on multiple daily injection therapies.

This research will specifically assess if there is a difference in the quality of life and depression scores of people with Type 1 diabetes to detect if there is a difference in relation to the method of treatment that they follow.

I would like to invite people to contact me if they would like to take part in this research, it involves answering an anonymous online questionnaire which takes about 15 minutes to complete. The questionnaire is very straight forward and is mostly just ticking the answer which best applies to you.

Following this there is some information about the research project

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and i look forward to hearing from you.


Invitation to people with Type 1 Diabetes to participate in a
research study.

As a Masters student interested in the treatment methods used in Type 1
Diabetes, I would like to inform and invite you to participate in a research study.

This study involves individuals with Type 1 Diabetes completing a short questionnaire; the aim of which is to determine how well individuals cope with the complex processes involved in the daily treatment of the disease and how this affects their quality of life.

Essentially, this study is mainly looking to see if there is a difference in the quality of life and incidence of depression among people with Type 1 Diabetes using different methods of treatment; and if differences largely exists, then we think that something may need to be done to help people with Type 1 Diabetes to improve their daily quality of life.

This study is intended to help us understand better your needs so that we may inform policy and practice to meet your specific physical and psychological needs.

This will involve just simply completing the questionnaire.

We want you to be totally assured though that you are not obliged to participate in this study, and as such we have enclosed details of the study for you to consider.

Details about confidentiality and identity protection will be explained, which
basically assures you that no other persons will have access to this information other than the research team listed below.

Furthermore, with regard to the outcome of the study, we will post you a
summary of the research findings when it has been completed.

Insulin Pump/Multiple daily injections research study:

As you know, there are many treatment methods available for Type 1 Diabetes. This study is interested in looking at these different methods to see if one particular method will bring a better quality of life to people with Type 1 Diabetes.

We want to study Type 1 Diabetes to find out if there is more that can
be done for people like you. We would like to invite you to take part
in our study.

What will the study look at?

The study will mainly look at how you are coping psychologically ? in
your mind ? with your condition. We hope it will help us better
understand your needs so that we can design better services to meet
those needs.

What will I have to do?

As part of the study, if you agree to take part, we will ask you to fill in
a survey form. The completed form will tell us about things like your
quality of life, how active you are and how you are generally feeling, if
you are under any stress and so on.

Do I have to take part?

Not at all. It is entirely your choice. And if you do decide to take part,
you can withdraw at any time.

What will happen to the form I fill in?

It is important for us to reassure you that all information you give us
will be held in strictest confidence. We will be the only people with
access to it. We will not identify you in any published results of the
study. We will also destroy all information about you, and send you a
copy of the findings, when the study is complete.

Please remember that you do not have to take part if you don?t want
to and you can withdraw at any time, even if you have started the
survey form.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please feel free to contact
me and I will answer any other questions you might have.

Yours sincerely

Liza Grennan
MSc Applied Psychology,
University of Ulster.


Hi Liza.

I'd be happy to fill in the survey if you want to PM the link or something 🙂
Hi Liza, I've just emailed you as I'd like to participate!
Hi Liza...

I'd be more than happy to asssist...please pm me the link...🙂

Hi Liza
I will be more than happy to fill it in. Regards Dawn
I'd be happy to help. 🙂
Me too if your not overflowing 🙂
Hi Sasha1,

Thank you very much for your interest in taking part in the study.

The following is a link to the questionnaire.


I will keep in touch and let you know of the findings of the research and send you a copy of the final study.

Take care,
i've done it, but had a few issues with some of the questions. I.e. 'belief in God' - I am not christian, or indeed religious...so how am i supposed to answer that question?
Hi Salmonpuff,

First of all, thank you very much for completing the questionnaire, it is greatly appreciated.

Also thank you for the feedback in relation to the questions asked. This is an issue that I personally have with the questionnaire aswell.

However, the Quality of Life Index is a standardised questionnaire which has been developed, tested and validated before and as such I am unable to make changes to it, and it will be something that I will include and discuss in the research as a possibility for a need to develop a more user friendly version that has moved with the times.

Thanks again for helping me out with my Dissertation and taking part in the study.

Hi Liza, I'd like to volunteer if you still need people.

Thanks, Andy
Hi Andy,

That would be fantastic, the more people taking part the better and it is greatly appreciated.

Just follow the link below to the questionnaire.


I will keep in touch and forward the completed research findings when it is completed.

Thanks again,
Hi Steve,

That would be fantastic,
Here is the link to the questionnaire.


I will keep in touch and let you know all research findings,
i've done it, but had a few issues with some of the questions. I.e. 'belief in God' - I am not christian, or indeed religious...so how am i supposed to answer that question?

hehe I had that problem too, and with the one about children... eer I dont have any! So I imagined having them lol
Haha... Yep that's what I did too! But I do have a little issue with it... But maybe I'm missing the point... The answers are very negative (I understand that it's about depression and depression isn't positive...) But it very specifically says in the last 2 weeks... What if you have previously felt these things but int he last 2 weeks or more have been feelin gmore positive, there's no option for saying "I feel more positive than I have done"... Maybe totally missing the point!!

Hi liza marie.

More than happy to fill in your survey.please email it to me.
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