Type 1 diabetes courses

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all. I hope everyone is feeling positive for this year!

I have type 1 diabetes, diagnosed March 2020 at 53 years old. I'm managing it really well, although do have plenty 'why me' moments etc.

The diabetes team here are keen for me to enrol in their online education program on Microsoft Teams. The problem is that I am self employed business piece working on site with another of the directors, and it's very hard to take time out as it badly affects income. The course is 2 days per week, 3 hours each day, for 4 weeks, so it's quite a commitment.

Because I haven't responded to the invite they have sent a letter to my GP saying I've rejected this training, and it's made me feel like they maybe don't think I'm bothered.

Has anybody undertaken the training, and are there benefits for someone who is keeping well within range, with only very occasional blips, and has good awareness of impending hypos etc?

Not sure what to do right now and would appreciate any input.

Thank you
After 12 years with Type 1 diabetes, I attended my local Type 1 training course. At the time, my HbA1C was 48 and I was managing my condition well along with undertaking a stressful job and doing a lot of exercise.
I learnt, I met other people with Type 1 and my local DSNs got to know me and the amount I was willing to invest in managing my diabetes ... enough to justify me to get an insulin pump.

I do not work for myself but I had to make up the hours I spend on the course (and travelling there because it was across the other side of town).

It was a commitment but a smaller cost than the number of lost days if I had not learnt how to apply sick day rules and the saving for having a pump has been huge in terms of quality of life for me.

You may be doing well at the moment but what if an unusual day was thrown at you (more stressful, more active, very unwell)?

I was reluctant to attend my course, especially so long after diagnosis. There were days of the course when I did not learn anything new but overall, it was very worthwhile.
I’ve never done any training apart from my pump training. I prefer to read books and look online, including here. Have you explained why it doesn’t suit you? What was the training about?
Thank you Helli. I think perhaps i should make the time!
Hi Pete, there is an online course that you can do in your own time, it's called BERTIE, may be worth you giving that a go.
Best wishes
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