Type 1 diabetes and swelling of ankles, wrists and face

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Relationship to Diabetes
I was diagnosed with Type 1 at the age of 65 just over a year ago. I am experiencing slight swelling on my feet, wrists and face. Has anyone else experienced this and what can be done about it. Thank you, Sue
Hi and welcome

Is there anything particular which leads you to believe that this swelling is related to your diabetes or it's treatment? Have you spoken to your GP about the swelling? If you are finding it difficult to get an appointment, many surgery's now use the eConsult system where you can fill in a proforma questionaire online with details of your concerns and sometimes you can attach photos if appropriate. The doc can then decide if they need to see you or arrange blood tests or prescribe treatment.

How did your diabetes diagnosis come about?
Which insulins have they started you on and how are you managing with them? Have you been given any other medication as well as insulin?
What sort of BG readings are you getting?

Are you able to walk and if so, does that improve the swelling?

Sorry for so many questions, but the more info you can give us, the more chance we have of relating to your situation and perhaps offering appropriate advice.
I’d make an appointment with your GP. This can be signs of lots of things which need to be investigated
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