Type 1 and type 2 question.. changing insulins/byetta/victoza

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
A little confused as how to title the thread but here goes, as some know i am on byetta well recently i have been doing alot of homework on victoza and im seriously tempted to ask wheather or not i can give it a go im seeing my DSN and doc combined next week within 2 days of each other actually,so i wanted to ask those on insulin if you want to change your regime with regards to insulin do you have to see your doctor first? i know the byetta and victoza are similier but im just not feeling it with the byetta at the minute and i thought approching both my dsn and doc with the idea might be a good plan....I guess if i dont ask i wont know, i know my doctor said she has one patcient who is on victoza as it is not widely used as yet so at least i know it excists and my surgery....

I would certainly ask my consultant if I wanted to change insulins Steffie. I'm not sure if the GP would just prescribe something different without his say so. Certainly no harm in asking - is it because your weight loss has stalled or are your levels creeping up?
steff just reading up on victoza have to admit i had not heard of it before😱
I would certainly ask my consultant if I wanted to change insulins Steffie. I'm not sure if the GP would just prescribe something different without his say so. Certainly no harm in asking - is it because your weight loss has stalled or are your levels creeping up?

Yeah levels Alan not been out of double figures for 5 days... head is killing me .
Yeah have been for ages now......Gotta get back into single figures some how

They might have to add in some extra meds - possibly even insulin. I've been reading lately that the companies are trying to push the idea of Byetta + lantus for Type 2s, although that might just be the US at the moment.
steff just reading up on victoza have to admit i had not heard of it before😱

i remember Rachel T writing about it a while back but it was expensive ...worth checking out steffie x good luck hun x
Victoza's supposidly better than Byetta, i think it's a once daily injection rather than a twice a day one, and it doesn't need to be taken with meals, supposidly because it has less chance of causing side effects. The rep we saw peddling it said that it might be able to repair beta cells in the pancreas, possibly reducing the need for diabetic medication. However i've heard no more about this, so i guess it's just another snake oil (or is it lizard spit?) salesman's claim. The numbers also suggest that it lowers blood pressure and helps you lose weight.
Try www.MyDiabetesFreshStart.co.uk which is NovoNordisk's site for support for victoza users, they seem quite helpful. However, Novo make this and they don't make Byetta, so they're bound to tell you it's wonderful. Obviously you're going to need to talk to your GP about it sooner or later, because it's only availible on prescription.If you get on well with him/her by all means ask, if you have a drop in clinic, ask there, it's probably more expensive than Byetta (it's about a year younger) but at the time our diabetes team (at the hospital) were all for swapping to Victoza. I don't think it happened due to money though.

I don't want to scare you.

Personally, with the way my numbers are I wanted to go on the stuff too. I have met too many diabetics with complications to want to have high BG or HbA1cs.

Insulin treatment is considered a last resort by many health care people. I thought it was an easy cure but it isn't all I thought it's cracked up to be.

If you really want to go on insulin then I respect that wish.

I have asked around. Seen for myself the side effects you can get from insulin. Please see what other options there are. Such as drugs to increase insulin production.

My current regime is to do lots of walking to bring my BG down. My back is too weak to do other exercises. My doc says I am OK as I am but I disagree. When my HbA1c gets too high again they will start me on even more Metformin. I might give low carbing another go.

I really hope you get something to help get your numbers down and feeling better.
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Victoza's supposidly better than Byetta, i think it's a once daily injection rather than a twice a day one, and it doesn't need to be taken with meals, supposidly because it has less chance of causing side effects. The rep we saw peddling it said that it might be able to repair beta cells in the pancreas, possibly reducing the need for diabetic medication. However i've heard no more about this, so i guess it's just another snake oil (or is it lizard spit?) salesman's claim. The numbers also suggest that it lowers blood pressure and helps you lose weight.
Try www.MyDiabetesFreshStart.co.uk which is NovoNordisk's site for support for victoza users, they seem quite helpful. However, Novo make this and they don't make Byetta, so they're bound to tell you it's wonderful. Obviously you're going to need to talk to your GP about it sooner or later, because it's only availible on prescription.If you get on well with him/her by all means ask, if you have a drop in clinic, ask there, it's probably more expensive than Byetta (it's about a year younger) but at the time our diabetes team (at the hospital) were all for swapping to Victoza. I don't think it happened due to money though.

thank you rachel T x🙂
Thank you very much for all your replies, thanks Rachel I did think of sending you a PM but i ahd to go off and do something and forget by the time i got back

Thank you Tez its not the insulin i want to go on i just want to try this victoza ive been quite happy on the byetta until the last week, but i have had issues with it but not to this extent
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