Type 1.5 / Slow Onset

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there, my second post, woo!

Anywho, the main point of this thread is to ask the community if anyone knows anything about type 1.5 diabetes/slow onset? :confused:

I ask because although i've been diagnosed with type 2 (about 6 months ago), many suspect I have slow onset (i'm 25, very slim, BMI currently 18.5, low blood pressure). I am going to see my nurse tomorrow about the results of my latest HbA1c (will I have to increase to 4 Metformin tablets from 3?) and am going to ask her whether she thinks it best to possibly refer me to York Diabetic department.

Essentially I have little knowledge about Type 1.5 and cannot find much about it anywhere. What I know is summed up at this link: http://www.diagnose-me.com/cond/C12335.html

I could not find anything on Diabetes UK, I get the feeling 1.5 is not academically accepted? Or do some think it's a myth?

As you can tell, i'm fairly ignorant on the subject but I was hoping to find out what anyone else knows....even saying you know nothing helps because it would suggest that type 1.5 is a little known subject. 🙂

Thanking you muchly.

dnt know if that will help you anymore or not, just wanted to wish you good luck with tomorrows pending Hba results,I think it would be in your best interests to ask about being referred to York diabetic dept.I think they may be some other members in your area on the forum that maybe with that service now and can tell you what its like x
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Good luck with your A1c tomorrow.

Just wondering do you have any relatives with diabetes? and also how you were diagnosed?

Type 1.5/LADA comes under the type 1 category, so generally people will just get called type 1. If you are found to have positive antibodies then it's likely you will be placed onto insulin, as with type1/1.5 you do risk DKA. In your case it does seem worthwhile getting the diagnosis clarified as you don't seem a clear cut case.
Welcome Bartmanblues
Type 1.5 diabetes is also called LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood) - try this link for starters

Definitely worth requesting referral to a diabetes clinic at hospital - good luck, and let us know how you get on.
Hi Chris, I think it is something fairly new. I'm pretty sure that that is what happened to me as I had had symptoms for a couple of years - thirst, peeing, losing weight - befre I caught a virus which finally put paid to my pancreas and I ended up in hospital with DKA. I was 49, and like you had none of the more common characteristics of Type 2 - I was a skinny marathon runner.

There is a test they can do to see how much of your own insulin you are producing (if any) called a C-peptide test, so you might want to look around for inf on that. T2 is normally due to insulin resistance, whereas T1 is generally a distinct shortage of insulin. In adults, the decline can be slower than in children.

We have a couple of people here who have definitely been told they are Type 1.5, so hopefully they can let you know of their experiences.
I don't really have much to add, not knowing much about this myself, but just wanted to say hi. I'm under York hospital, and they've been really great and supportive with me since May, when I was diagnosed 🙂
Thanks for the links steff09 and Copepod. I'll definately ask for a referral.

sofaraway, my mum has type 2 age onset (diagnosed at 40, now 60). Her parents were both diagnosed with type 2 age onset at 60ish. I was diagnosed (at 24) after having thrush (fungal infection) which the doc said sometimes is an indicator of diabetes. I definately do not want to risk DKA so will make sure of a referral or at least these other tests (C-peptide etc.).

SacredHeart, thanks for the info, reassuring to know York has supportive staff.
Hi, I am one of the forum people who have been formally diagnosed as having type 1.5 LADA. (Late onset Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood or Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood).

I'd been diagnosed in April 2008 with a Blood Sugar level of just over 7 as a Type 2 and just told to eat a healthy diet. Some months later I was whipped into hospital with BS of 25 - I'd had no symptons at all. I am 62, female, 5ft and 8st 7lbs. The C-peptide test and positive GAD antibodies test finally confirmed my Consultant's suspicions that I'd been misdiagnosed (evidently about 20% of people diagnosed as having Type 2 could actually have LADA according to the Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust).

I'm told that, as soon as my fasting BS levels reach 10 or more on 3 consecutive days I'm to contact my Consultant and then insulin is indicated as necessary for me. (I'm not there yet though !!). So far I'm on 80mg gliclazide twice a day and 1500mg slow release Metformin in the evenings - and a statin.

Guess it's just another fancy name for the diabetic condition - good luck with your own ongoing situation.
Thanks vince13, sounds like I could be in that situation at some point.

sofaraway, yes your thread on MODY would be interesting thanks.
I spent from January 2007 to May 2007 trying to lose weight after the usual Xmas excuses. I went on to a drink a lot of water to fill me up and detox. By Easter I'd lost 1.5 stone - great. Weight continued to drop another stone, but wasn't realising I was now drinking lots and peeing lots for other reasons. Heard an early am programme on radio on Diabetes, and a symptoms checklist being available on DUK website. Checked it and tick, tick, tick etc to all of them. Phoned GP, in next day 8.30am, blood and urine sample, hospital by 11.00am - BSG 25 - Keto 6. By next day on insulin, told I had Type 1.5, which my DSN, who is superb, said come come on in a matter of weeks. I am now aged 55, doing OK, and normally in good control except if let go to tempation (Xmas and New Year!). Also find I'm more susceptible to simple cold viruses and they take longer to shake off (like now!). Apart from that we have to learn to live with it and stay in control, as I'm sure all the other great/helpful people on hear will tell you. Sorry that was abit long winded, but hopefully a slightly different example?
Thanks Ron and Vince. My appointment to get the result of my latest HbA1c has been postponed until Friday week.

sofaraway, thanks for the link to MODY. One thing I have had is high HbA1c (it was above 11 when I was diagnosed) so maybe it's not MODY? Having a dominant gene doesn't sound good. I'll be sure to get looked at by people aware of MODY.

Thanks again guys. 🙂
Hi guys, i'm back (have posted a few bits elsewhere). Just to update on my situation (as requested above)....

I was referred to York Diabetic Unit who are excellent. I had an antibodies test from which the consultant determined I am type 1.

Have since been switched onto insulin (3 months now) and about a month ago began counting carbs (which has been really successful). Carb counting is a little difficult when my diet varies so much and I do a lot of sport but i'm getting used to it.

I have decided to try to raise a wedge of ??? for JDRF so next year am running the London Marathon. I've realised that 26.2 miles is a heck of a long way, but I am determined to get there. If you've got 90 seconds for my Youtube video, take a look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=541tvRQQf-s - is that allowed or too cheeky?! 😉
Thanks for the update Chris, glad to hear that they sorted your diagnosis out. 🙂 Hope you raise oodles of cash with your marathon run - quite alright to promote your fundraising efforts here! 🙂
Glad they got you sorted out. Keep us updated on how you progress - and good luck with the running.....rather you than me but then I'm a lot older than you (well, that's my excuse anyway) !

All good wishes,
Thanks guys. The vid is serious in places but I had to insert a little light-heartedness. 4 mile run this morning bit of an effort with the swirling wind - this winter is not going to be fun! 😱
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