Two yearly eye tests now

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had to go to a website to get the results of my eye test - no sign of retinopathy, which was a relief. Didn't realise I'd been anxious about it until I wasn't.

They sent a letter about it, so they could have just told me in the letter - is that too obvious?

Also, as I have had no retinopathy for the last two tests (actually 7) I will now be seen at two yearly intervals.

Call me cynical but I suspect cost cutting has something to do with the decision rather than a lack of clinical urgency.
I had to go to a website to get the results of my eye test - no sign of retinopathy, which was a relief. Didn't realise I'd been anxious about it until I wasn't.

They sent a letter about it, so they could have just told me in the letter - is that too obvious?
My letter last week told me there were signs of background retinopathy - so like so much else with the NHS there is not a lot of consistency of service.
Also, as I have had no retinopathy for the last two tests (actually 7) I will now be seen at two yearly intervals.

Call me cynical but I suspect cost cutting has something to do with the decision rather than a lack of clinical urgency.
I have mixed views on this. On the one hand I had an indignant reaction .... how dare they mess about with such an important check?

On the other hand surely clinical urgency should be a key factor for justifying expenditure? If the requirement is not there why spend money? I am happy to presume that somewhere there will be a technical / medical review that has analysed the risks.

Change is constant and inevitable. I certainly have moments when I instinctively want to resist a change and have to "tell myself" to be sensible!
That’s interesting, as I have yet to receive the letter for my test next year. It’s usually in January and I’m normally informed by now.

I’ve had no issues on the last two tests, as well.
For me. I keep on top of this stuff (as an insulin user.) for the DVLA? I’ve no issues to date. But if I was to suggest I’ve seen the eye people “2 years ago??” On a licence renewal.
Yep, same here in West Wales. Lots of cost-cutting creeping in. I’m not happy to wait 2 years, so I’m going private - tbh, the tech they use at my optician’s is way more advanced than the NHS’s and I get the results there and then. The problem is, I can afford to cover this cost, but it’s the overall creeping privatization that worries me...I can’t afford much more.
For me. I keep on top of this stuff (as an insulin user.) for the DVLA? I’ve no issues to date. But if I was to suggest I’ve seen the eye people “2 years ago??” On a licence renewal.
Good point.
For me. I keep on top of this stuff (as an insulin user.) for the DVLA? I’ve no issues to date. But if I was to suggest I’ve seen the eye people “2 years ago??” On a licence renewal.
Is there something in the licence renewal process that requires eye tests annually? I can't help thinking that you might be creating a perception of a future problem that has little basis in fact.
Is there something in the licence renewal process that requires eye tests annually? I can't help thinking that you might be creating a perception of a future problem that has little basis in fact.
The last DIAB1 form I completed (admittedly nearly 3 years ago) did not ask about eye tests or the frequency thereof.
Lots of cost-cutting creeping in.
I'm sure cutting costs is part of it, but I think that it might well be justifiable medically. Someone who's had diabetes for a while and doesn't have any background retinopathy is, I suspect, at exceedingly low risk of progressing quickly enough for 2 years to make any difference. And having half as many scans is more convenient for patients (I can easily walk to mine, but some people may have to plan travel to and from).
I had my pupils dilated in August of this year because of “floaters” not related to D. I had my retinopathy test today and was told I have “blood splatter” in the lower part of my left eye. The optician also said I would be recalled again in March next year.
I had my pupils dilated in August of this year because of “floaters” not related to D. I had my retinopathy test today and was told I have “blood splatter” in the lower part of my left eye. The optician also said I would be recalled again in March next year.
That is not too good so very important to try to get your blood glucose levels lower and more stable. Hopefully that issues with your eyes will prompt some action from your GP.
Floaters are annoying but the brain seems to learn how to ignore them.
That is not too good so very important to try to get your blood glucose levels lower and more stable. Hopefully that issues with your eyes will prompt some action from your GP.
Floaters are annoying but the brain seems to learn how to ignore them.
I’ll ring the optician tomorrow to see if I can get a copy of their report to take with me next week. Hopefully, they’ll have already sent it by email. I was told the results could take 3 weeks.
I spoke to the ophthalmologist that did my exam on Thursday, they said the blood splatter in my left eye would be marked as a diabetic event. This information was passed to my GP surgery almost immediately. I was also told I had a “freckle” in each eye, I didn’t ask what that meant, but don’t think they were too worried
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