Two-thirds of English men overweight

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Waistlines have expanded so much that two-thirds of men and almost as many women are now overweight, according to an NHS report that has prompted fresh calls for action against obesity. In England 24% of men and 26% of women in England are obese, while 65% of men and 58% of women are either overweight or obese.

Dr Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist who recently examined the extent of obesity as part of an inquiry by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, said the figures were the worst for British obesity he had seen.

"It's absolutely shocking that 65% of men and 58% of women have a dangerously unhealthy weight. The biggest explanation for this trend is our obesgenic food environment ? the oversupply of cheap, sugary food", said Malhotra, who works at a London hospital.
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