Two quirky little books about cycling.

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Chris Hobson

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've only just noticed that the heading to this section is asking for recommendations for books about diabetes, rather than books on any subject. Anyway, I've posted on a non diabetic related book before and nobody seemed to mind so I hope it is OK to do it again. I suppose there is a tenuous connection in that I got back into cycling after I was diagnosed and I now cycle partly to control my diabetes.

Firstly we have Muck Sweat & Gears by Alan Anderson. I picked this one up at a garden centre, one of those with a cafe and a substantial gift shop as well as the gardening part. It is basically a collection of fairly brief anecdotes and quotations on the subject of cycling. It is a gold mine of obscure factiods and stories about cycling, some serious, some humorous, all interesting.

Second is Mindful Thoughts For Cyclists by Nick Moore. This one I found in a National Trust gift shop. It covers various aspects of cycling, wind, rain, hills, traffic, riding at night, encountering wildlife, to name but a few. Nick seems to be very much a glass half full guy and seems to put a positive spin on just about everything, even punctures. It is quite thought provoking and reading it has prompted me to look at my cycling in a slightly different way.
I'll keep a look-out for them in the library. I read a story once about a young man doing that cycle ride to Blackpool. I'd love to read it again but don't know who it was written by. The young man wasn't really up to the ride but managed to keep up all the way till the end on the way back I think, then there was a pile-up but they all praised him and it was very uplifting. Read it decades ago but it stayed with me.
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