Two hypos tonight

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Two hypos tonight and 5 yesterday. I feel så tiret and none form for energyi was suddentlig 2.3 the last one. I drank 4 dl Coke and 1 kiwi and i small glas of juice. Got it UP to 3.7.and then eat to slice of bread with cheese and ham a little salad and the blood sugar is now 4.1
Sorry to hear you had some more hypos Beccy but sounds like you treated them pretty well. (thumbs up emoji)
You didn't answer the question a few of us asked about your Toujeo dose yesterday on your other thread?
Hypos are caused by too much insulin. Needing that amount of carbs to bring you up means you probably have quite a lot too much insulin, so you need to deal with the cause of the hypos to prevent them by reducing the insulin dose rather than just treating them.
I had a hypo whilst I was out walking last night so I reduced my evening basal insulin dose when I went to bed. I probably reduced it a little too much (maybe half a unit too much) but I used my fast acting insulin to correct the slight high this morning. It took a couple of units of bolus insulin this morning and a couple of hours, to bring my levels down.
Better to be a bit high, particularly overnight, than too low. It is a fine balancing act getting basal insulin doses (Toujeo in your case) right and I have to adjust mine quite frequently both down and sometimes up to achieve that balance. @Inka does the same with her pump. The pump doesn't do that for you, you have to tell it that you need a reduction or an increase and sometimes it takes a few small adjustments before you get it right and find the balance.
Sorry to hear you had more hypos @Stressabeccy They’re horrible, are they? A bad one makes me feel weak for ages after.

Your Toujeo was reduced to 58, wasn’t it? Or was it 54? Something like that, I think. Has it been reduced again?
Ok - don’t reply here until you feel better. Look after yourself. X

For later - you’re still having lots of hypos so your Toujeo is still too high. Your Toujeo needs to be reduced further. You can do this yourself, just as we all would. Once you get your Toujeo to the right level, you will feel so much better physically, mentally and emotionally. You really will. Personally, I’d cut it down by a number of units because you really need a break from all these awful hypos. X
I dont want to write anymore her on this site because alle of you jugde me. Finish
Beccy , none of us are judging you we are all just worried about you as so many hypos are horrible
Beccy , none of us are judging you we are all just worried about you as so many hypos are horrible
IT dosen,t feel like it so now i Just go. I am way to much for all in here. Happy ney year everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Stressabeccy you are having a difficult time, if you feel sad and angry I hope your stress levels don’t make it any worse.
I have no detailed knowledge but the one thing I needed and can now offer to you is that DUK always has someone to listen and care. I am certain that nobody has ever made a judgment as we’re all in the same situation and can probably offer advice at least as good as the NHS. All I can offer is an ear and a kind word if and when you need it as I hope you would do the same for me.
Can I ask you a very personal question? Is English your second language? I can only wish that I had a second language but my experience with friends who are second language is that sometimes things get lost or misunderstood
We’re all there for you, I hope to hear from you soon
I dont want to write anymore her on this site because alle of you jugde me. Finish

Offering advice is not judging you, Beccy 🙂 We offer advice because we care about you and want to help you. Would you watch a friend in need and not help them? I’m sure you would help them because you’re a good person. We all want to help you because you are a friend.

Nobody here wants to see you have hypos - they’re horrible. We want you to not have hypos and to be well. X
Offering advice is not judging you, Beccy 🙂 We offer advice because we care about you and want to help you. Would you watch a friend in need and not help them? I’m sure you would help them because you’re a good person. We all want to help you because you are a friend.

Nobody here wants to see you have hypos - they’re horrible. We want you to not have hypos and to be well. X
You sad i cant write here her or rwply before i feel better. That is not advice but jugdment. Of course i would help. Always but not jugde
Offering advice is not judging you, Beccy 🙂 We offer advice because we care about you and want to help you. Would you watch a friend in need and not help them? I’m sure you would help them because you’re a good person. We all want to help you because you are a friend.

Nobody here wants to see you have hypos - they’re horrible. We want you to not have hypos and to be well. X
I got the up to 4.7 but it went down now to 2,3 and then i cant write here. And Yes hypo, s is terrible and i feel awfal
You sad i cant write here her or rwply before i feel better. That is not advice but jugdment. Of course i would help. Always but not jugde

I didn’t say you couldn’t write here. You said you were about to throw up and I said that you should look after yourself first, then reply. I said that because I didn’t want you to feel you had to read my whole post and reply. I wanted you to treat your hypo not to worry about replying to me. That’s why I split my post into two parts and wrote “For later” - so that you had a quick message from me at the top to look after yourself, then the information about the insulin “for later”.

People here are your friends, Beccy. Don’t look for judgement where there is none. We are here to listen and help not to judge 🙂
You sad i cant write here her or rwply before i feel better. That is not advice but jugdment. Of course i would help. Always but not jugde
Beccy , @Inka wasn’t saying that to judge you she was saying that making sure you feel better is more important
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