Twitchy eye

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
For the past week, my right eye has been twitching like mad! Its irritating and uncomfortable sometimes bordering on slightly owie. I was wondering if it could be diabetes related or is it just tiredness, too much computer screen time, nerves, stress or even a mild infection. I think infection cuz it is pretty uncomfortable to be honest.

But I'm not sure who to see about, optician?! :confused:
Sounds like tiredness to me Sam - I get the same thing from time to time, and also long before I got diabetes. It should go on its own, but if you are concerned I'd see the doctor.
Sounds like tiredness to me Sam - I get the same thing from time to time, and also long before I got diabetes. It should go on its own, but if you are concerned I'd see the doctor.

mmmm yes that could well be it. What is this thing called sleep? Not been getting much of it to be honest...😱

whats making me wonder though is that throughout the day it gets really uncomfortable and feels like something is stuck in it! Wierd...
I used to get a twitchy eye when I worked in a department store as a student. Lots of people I worked with got it too and we put it down to the quite harsh strip lighting there.
Hi Salmonpuff,

I've had a twitchy eye from time to time, although mine has never hurt. It's just more annoying as I can feel it (just a slight flutering like an uncontrolled blink)

Not had it for a while, but when I have I normally put it down to stress when my little brain is thinking about too much stuff at once.

If it is causing you pain though it might be better getting it checked out.

I used to get a twitchy eye when I worked in a department store as a student. Lots of people I worked with got it too and we put it down to the quite harsh strip lighting there.

now you say that, it has only really started since I started work. The lights there are awful...really harsh yet dull, its a stuggle to see sometimes. Maybe its eye strain?

Is there any way to make it better?
I get twitchy eyes from time to time and hve done so since my thirties (pre diabetes). It's normally caused for me by being over tierd, too much computer work or too many harsh lights.

The gritty feeling for me is sometimes caused by hayfever. If you are worried get it checked out, you can't loose anything excpt the worry!
I get a twitchy left eye not often but it lasts maybe 20 secs,my left lef also does it to, i put it down to tiredness tbh
Hi Sam..

I too get a twitchy eye from time to time..usually the left...I put it down to tiredness. But some people report this..if they have been staring at a computer screen or fluorescent lighting.

I occasionally get twitchy left eye, usually when I get it, comes and goes all day. I always think it's really obvious but you have to look really close to see it actually moving
I get it around my eyes, but mostly I get it in my hands and legs. Can't say if it's diabetes related or not, but don't think so. I notice a lot of other things come and go with high levels, but not that.
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