Twins key to juvenile diabetes study at VU

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Identical twins Grant Mitchell and Luke Mitchell are teammates on the basketball court and allies in the battle against Type 1 diabetes.

Luke has the disease. Grant doesn’t, but he’s the one on the front lines fighting for a cure.

He’s among a handful of twins and other close relatives of people with Type 1 diabetes participating in clinical trials at Vanderbilt University Medical Center as researchers look for therapies to prevent the disease.

Grant, who lives in Nashville, takes what could be a dose of insulin or a placebo pill each morning. Kerby Bennett flies in from Chicago every few months for infusions of either an antibody or saline solution.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Grant Mitchell??? :D
Not this test, which is new - but tests have been done here on siblings and esp twins where one is and one ain't T1. Years ago there was something called the Warren Repository - which I think was a Wellcome Foundation project, but don't quote me on that - collecting all sorts of info about families and their genes. DUK were always banging on about it.

Anyway, we met a T1 twin on holiday in Spain once. Lived in the Cardiff area. He and his bro used to have to travel down to Guys in London for batteries of tests a couple of times a year.

Not had sight or sound of the Warren thing in years.
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