Twice daily levemir?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
HI, Can I ask if anyone who is on levemir is on twice daily - is this the norm? My son ben was put on levemir morning and night 8mths ago at diagnosis as well as novorapide at meal times. many people I have since spoken too seem to think it very odd that he gets it at night. initially he was on 3 units twice daily which gave us a lot of headaches trying to stop him go low at night - and as a result running way high for the first half of the night. He's now down to just one unit at night but still not unusual to wake up a bit low.
Also could the heat be the reason for the ridiculous number of hypos this week??
I am! It's not odd at all. Levemir (along with other baseline insulins) is supposed to last 24 hours, but quite often people find that it doesn't quite cover them for the full 24 hours so need to split the dose. I take 14 units in the morning and 18 in the evening.

And the weather could definitely be responsible for hypos, the heat speeds up the apsorption of insulin. My sugar levels have been running much lower this week!
From reading lots on this forum, twice daily isn't strange at all, it really is whats best for one might not be best for someone else. Currently I'm on one shot of levemir a night, and it seems to be lasting okay for me, but I have no doubt it will change at some point!!
Heat and hypos exactly as Munjeeta says
The differences between Levemir and Lantus is that Levemir has a working life of around 18 hours.

I've been on a split dose from day one, something like four years ago and it works well as a regime for me, I take the daily dose and simply divide by two, I know some people try to adjust for day/night, but as there is a potential 6 hour overlap it doesn't work for me.

Heat causes some great differences in absorption rates, and there are various suggestions for the management of diabetes in hot weather, I'd suggest a call to your DSN to ask their opinion as they know your sons case first hand.

Drinking lots of water is critical as well as dehydration causes untold problems I find. Soft drinks and squashes are ok, but water is the best option.
HI, Can I ask if anyone who is on levemir is on twice daily - is this the norm? My son ben was put on levemir morning and night 8mths ago at diagnosis as well as novorapide at meal times. many people I have since spoken too seem to think it very odd that he gets it at night. initially he was on 3 units twice daily which gave us a lot of headaches trying to stop him go low at night - and as a result running way high for the first half of the night. He's now down to just one unit at night but still not unusual to wake up a bit low.
Also could the heat be the reason for the ridiculous number of hypos this week??

Hi I've recently changed from a once nightly dose to a split dose as I found that Levemir tends to run out after about 18 hours
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