twice a day injections

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey guys hope ur all well

im waitin to hear bk to see if i am gonna be able to get a pump... but if i am unable to get a pump then im thinking of goin on twice a day injections again....
cause my body cant take these injections anymore, im too slim and there always sore and i always get lumps and bruises now :( i had to stop doing it in my legs and i cant do it in my tummy so im left with arms and bum which isnt very useful.

anyway lol just wanted to see if anyone else on this site are on the twice a day regime and how they cope with it etc???

ta mucho :D xxx
Have you experimented with different needle lengths? I gather 4mm are becoming available, and others find 6mm better than 8s (still others find 8s better than 6s!)

Have you experimented with different needle lengths? I gather 4mm are becoming available, and others find 6mm better than 8s (still others find 8s better than 6s!)


ive always been on 5mm needles, never tryed 4mm, dont know if i would be able to get them...

Hi Loz

Hope you hear back soon about the pump and they don't mess you around.

I often wonder if twice a day would be managable, I know most people would automatically say 4 a day for best treatment, when I was diagnosed nursey asked what would suit me best, I wonder if there would have been a situation which she would have given me a 2 a day regime!?

Someone on here once mentioned inserting a canule (?) into stomach for maybe 3-4 days and that made injecting easier? I have no idea just a thought.

Hope you sort it out sharpish.

Rossi 🙂
I'm on twice a day injections and have been since I was diagnosed. I'm finding it pretty hard. People keep tellin me how easy and better four injections are i.e. how much more flexible with eating times etc. I was told I might be able to go onto 4 a day but when my nurse checked with consultant he said "not yet". So they're going to put an implant in (cant remember the correct name) which reads is inserted into the interstitial (?) tissue and takes blood readings every 3 seconds and the results from this (I've been told I would have to wear it for about a week) will then show what my sugars are doing more accurately and when and how much insulin I need. I'm currently on 6units before breakfast and 6 before tea. I hope you really get what's best for you. I know what you mean about needle sites, I hate the bruises and when I manage to hurt myself by pricking the skin it makes me' want to cry sometimes. Don't give up hope for a better solution!🙂
alot of people say that 2 times a day injections make control more difficult as you'll be feeding the insulin rather than injecting to cover your food - personally, I wouldn't go back to it as my control was terrible on twice a day.

Try and get smaller needles, the 4mm ones are out soon.

Also, maybe you could try honing your injection techniche. Sometimes if I stab a bit too roughly I get bruises, but have learnt to not be so rough and am noticing them less and less now (except on my arms, skinny things they are, keep bruising no matter what I do HA!)

Saying that, I am going on a pump at the end of this month to get better control - I hypo too much on MDI.
Hi Loz

Hope you hear back soon about the pump and they don't mess you around.

I often wonder if twice a day would be managable, I know most people would automatically say 4 a day for best treatment, when I was diagnosed nursey asked what would suit me best, I wonder if there would have been a situation which she would have given me a 2 a day regime!?

Someone on here once mentioned inserting a canule (?) into stomach for maybe 3-4 days and that made injecting easier? I have no idea just a thought.

Hope you sort it out sharpish.

Rossi 🙂

hey rossi yh most people i talk to say 4 times is better treatment... my cousin has been diabetic for 12 yrs or so and shes managed fine on twice a day so i think il give it a go again if they let me lol got an appointment on the 20th july so will find out if i can get a pump or not and will also discuss the twice a day options...

thanks rossi 🙂 x

I'm on twice a day injections and have been since I was diagnosed. I'm finding it pretty hard. People keep tellin me how easy and better four injections are i.e. how much more flexible with eating times etc. I was told I might be able to go onto 4 a day but when my nurse checked with consultant he said "not yet". So they're going to put an implant in (cant remember the correct name) which reads is inserted into the interstitial (?) tissue and takes blood readings every 3 seconds and the results from this (I've been told I would have to wear it for about a week) will then show what my sugars are doing more accurately and when and how much insulin I need. I'm currently on 6units before breakfast and 6 before tea. I hope you really get what's best for you. I know what you mean about needle sites, I hate the bruises and when I manage to hurt myself by pricking the skin it makes me' want to cry sometimes. Don't give up hope for a better solution!

yh i remember i was on twice a day... i was fine with it wen i first began then it all went to pot lol but im thinkin of tryin again just to see if i can improve with it this time.... and plus to help my injection sites...
thanks very much 🙂 x x x

alot of people say that 2 times a day injections make control more difficult as you'll be feeding the insulin rather than injecting to cover your food - personally, I wouldn't go back to it as my control was terrible on twice a day.

Try and get smaller needles, the 4mm ones are out soon.

Also, maybe you could try honing your injection techniche. Sometimes if I stab a bit too roughly I get bruises, but have learnt to not be so rough and am noticing them less and less now (except on my arms, skinny things they are, keep bruising no matter what I do HA!)

Saying that, I am going on a pump at the end of this month to get better control - I hypo too much on MDI.

lol well my whole body is skinny so its gettin harder cause ive injected for soo long and the places r just gettin worse...
good luck with the pump, let me know how u get on 🙂 xxx
hey guys hope ur all well

im waitin to hear bk to see if i am gonna be able to get a pump... but if i am unable to get a pump then im thinking of goin on twice a day injections again....
cause my body cant take these injections anymore, im too slim and there always sore and i always get lumps and bruises now :( i had to stop doing it in my legs and i cant do it in my tummy so im left with arms and bum which isnt very useful.

anyway lol just wanted to see if anyone else on this site are on the twice a day regime and how they cope with it etc???

ta mucho :D xxx

As far as I know, but dont quote me, you have to be on mdi before they will consider a pump. Basically if they apply for funding they have to say you have tried everything and its not working, oh and I had to swap to lantus to. This might be only my pct mind, like i say dont quote me.
As far as I know, but dont quote me, you have to be on mdi before they will consider a pump. Basically if they apply for funding they have to say you have tried everything and its not working, oh and I had to swap to lantus to. This might be only my pct mind, like i say dont quote me.

yh i think u do... im staying on mdi the now until i find out if im eligible or not for a pump then if not i will consider twice a day again...

thanks 🙂 xx
Hi litto-miss-loz,

My missus was on 2-a-day for over a year after diagnosis. Her control was very good, with excellent HbA1c. However, as she works shifts and we eventually plan to have a family she switched to the basal-bolus regime few months ago and while I would agree that it gives flexibility, the jury is out as to how it will affect her HbA1c (she hasn't had the test yet).

She says that at times she thinks her control was better on the mixed insulin but she could still be getting used to 4-a-day.

Bottom line, if multi injections a day isn't working for you, then 2-a-day is a fine alternative and not an inferior one, just needs to be managed in a slightly different way (more forward planning etc).

Hope it all works out for you.

DP 😎
Hi litto-miss-loz,

My missus was on 2-a-day for over a year after diagnosis. Her control was very good, with excellent HbA1c. However, as she works shifts and we eventually plan to have a family she switched to the basal-bolus regime few months ago and while I would agree that it gives flexibility, the jury is out as to how it will affect her HbA1c (she hasn't had the test yet).

She says that at times she thinks her control was better on the mixed insulin but she could still be getting used to 4-a-day.

Bottom line, if multi injections a day isn't working for you, then 2-a-day is a fine alternative and not an inferior one, just needs to be managed in a slightly different way (more forward planning etc).

Hope it all works out for you.

DP 😎

thanks for ur information 🙂 yes i think i will end up trying twice a day regime again just to see how it works out...

thanks 🙂 and i hope ur gfs (or wifes) hba1c is a good result.
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