Twelfth anniversary of diagnosis


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
It is 12 years since I was diagnosed with T2. Sorry that i have been lazy about posting. It has been a journey that I could not have made without the lovely people on this Forum. Unfortunately I have had breast cancer which has rather interfered with my diabetes in that my BG levels do not go as low as they used to, best now is an average of 8. I have not agreed to take Metformin as I tried it once and had severe nausea and terrible stomach cramps. My surgery have now refused me testing strips as they say that an annual HbA1c is all that I need. Fortunately I can buy what I want over the internet. They have also told me that my diabetes will get worse as I get older and that there is nothing that I can do about this as it is a progressive disease. I look at the adverts on Facebook from time to time which suggest that it can all be reversed. I do not know what to think about the except that the "cures" are expensive. I will always be grateful to this forum and the fantastic people on it for help when I really needed it and your encouragement. I could so easily have been on insulin for the rest of my life. Thank you.
Hi. Lovely to hear from you again and congrats on your 12th diaversary.

I think an average of 8mmols in your situation with a cancer battle and no diabetes medication is very admirable indeed, so you should be very proud of yourself. I am just so sad that your GP has such a negative and outdated view of diabetes and is being so unsupportive. There are many people here on this forum who are testament to it not being progressive and are keeping it in check, through dietary and lifestyle changes, which do not cost the earth, so please do not be tempted to sign up to any of these so called "cures" that are advertised. Of course your cancer diagnosis and treatment will have made things a lot more challenging to manage your diabetes, so pushing it into remission in your current circumstances may well not be possible, but you are doing incredibly well to maintain things at the level you are, so please don't allow your doctor's negativity to bring you down. You are doing brilliantly and I know that in your circumstances I would not have managed nearly so well.
Sending (((HUGS))) because you sound a bit down, when you should really be standing tall and feeling proud of what you have achieved.
Welcome back, and well done for coping as well as you have. An average of 8 is not bad at all. Sometimes you just have to prioritise.
Thank you Rebrascora and Silentsquirrel for your encouragement. I intend to carry on as before, low carb diet, testing and doing my best. Doctor is very keen for me to have statins but I am not going to agree. My cholesterol is below 4 and after the very allergic reaction to chemotherapy that hospitalised me for a month I want to keep drugs to a minimum.
Thank you all once again for your caring support. I think that this forum is superb.
Good for you! You have come far and managed well by the sound of it, sticking to your principals suggesting great confidence in managing your own body and situation, proving it works! All the very best for now and the future!