TV chesfs

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
All this talk of Nigellas girdlebuster pie got me thinking-who are your most and least favorite TV chefs?

I rather dislike Antony Worral Thompson-its not really a case of dislike more of mistrust-how can the creator of mars bar pie at over 1000 kcals a slice (and god knows the sugar in it-makes girdlebuster pie look positively diet!) then write diabetes UK cook books?
Similarly I used to love Jamie Oliver but find him rather sanctimonious these days-Ok we all want to eat healthily but the odd (non-organic-*gasp*🙂) fish finger does not constitute child abuse!

I do love Nigella and Ina Garten (barefoot contessa)-although neither of them exactly do low fat or low sugar but its really good homely food and you can adapt it to less fat/sugar reasonably easily. Theres an American cook whos a dietician called Ellie Krieger and she does some lovely healthy stuff.

Oh and I love Gordon Ramsey but more for the swearing and tantrum throwing than the food......
Sunflower, I can't think of her name, but there's a young woman who does oriental food on BBC2. I guess I like her as I'm a big fan of Chinese & Thai food. I love noodles and places like Wagamama's. Ken Hom's not a bad old stick either.
Keith Floyd was always my favourite, not for the food but the style of presentation. Fanny Cradock was the worst ever!!!
tv chefs.

love jamie oliver,i like his style of cooking, and he's quite good looking😱 i do agree that he should stick to cooking and stay out of everything else. 🙄
tv chefs

They are all great in one respect.
They irritate me so much that I actually get out of my chair to switch the tv off.
Fabulous for exercise program🙂🙂
I like the Hairy Bikers (I think they are now Bakers), because they always look like they are having fun. I also like Levi Roots who makes Reggae Reggae Sauce for the same reason.

She is not strictly a chef but I cannot stand Gillian McKeith. Her diets are so devoid of enjoyment. Also she seems like a nasty bully. I don't like people telling me what to eat in a prescriptive way, this is also why I dislike Fernley-whatsit and the rest of the organic brigade. I thought Jamie Oliver's latest programme was a good idea in theory until I discovered he is charging ?25 for the recipe book, and it is aimed at people who are on benefits! Surely he can afford to give the recipes away free using the money he "earns" from Sainsburys ads, cookware range etc?

I like Gordon Ramsay because he seems like he works really hard, but I don't like seeing his giant craggy face scowling down at me from Gordons Gin ads all the time, I wish he would stop those.
I agree with you Lizzie - Gillian McKeith should be banned from TV. Just because I dont like lentils doesn't make me a bad person! Personally I like Gordon Ramsey, Anjum Anand (I think thats how you spell it) and Jamie Oliver.

As for Nigella - everything in moderation my DN says. Only I think Nigella's moderation would be far too small a portion!
They are all great in one respect.
They irritate me so much that I actually get out of my chair to switch the tv off.
Fabulous for exercise program🙂🙂
ha ha , i see you are on the same excercise programme as me!! i really do need to shake myself in the newyear and do some proper excercise, i'm so bad at the moment that the poor dog is getting obese!! i haven't given him a decent walk for months, it's not like it would take a long walk to tire him out, he's only got little legs. that will be my newyears resolution, to get me and the dog fit. i'm not making any others because i never keep them. anyone else making any????
I love Anthony Worral-Thompson's books and recipes - they are easy to follow, clear instructions and photos and we enjoy his recipes. I'm not going to try a mars bar pie anytime soon tho!

Someone who should be on TV is Rose Elliott - her "new" Low GI book is so easy, healthy and tasty for vegetarian diabetic food.

As I don't watch TV I don't know who I dislike!
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