Tummy issues ?


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am looking for help. I’m due an operation and i’ve been put on insulin for six weeks to help level my sugars

three weeks ago i started to become unwell my tummy is sore every time i eat. It’s swelling out and i can’t sleep. I went to the doctors and she said i had gas. I’m not asking for medical advice but has anyone else had this as i don’t think i have gas !

Is this even diabetic related ! Is the insulin sitting in my tummy? Any ideas as i’m struggling i’m due to go on holiday tomorrow and thinking of cancelling as i’m in so much pain. I’m not being sick but i struggle to do the toilet at the best of times

Any ideas of what i can eat that doesn’t hurt my tummy ??
Sorry to hear you’re in pain @Scsusanne It’s good you’ve seen a doctor to rule out any serious issues, but do go back if your pain persists.

No, insulin can’t sit in your tummy and cause bloating. What insulins do you take? Very occasionally, an insulin can disagree with someone and this can cause brain fog, joint aches, fatigue and sometimes stomach issues.

Have you tried keeping a food diary? Have you tried probiotics? Have you had a gynae check (presuming you’re female)? Are you stressed at all? Does anyone in your family have coeliac disease? Have you tried over the counter medication in case it is wind (ie things like Wind Setlers and similar, or Buscopan)?
Sorry to hear that you are experiencing so much pain. The insulin you inject will be absorbed into your blood stream and then enable your muscles to use the glucose in your system, rather than leave it in your blood.

Is your op related to your recent symptoms, or planned before that.

it might be worth you keeping a food diary as this could help you to identify any triggers for the pain you are experiencing.

What insulin(s) are you using. How are your glucose levels now?