TTC Fertility Help T1


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey all, I'm wondering if anyone would know at what point can a T1 receive any help with checking fertility etc and any experiences. TTC with T1 and PCOS.. hasn't happened after a few months and I know its usually a year you can ask for help, I'm 34 and plan to ask at a normal diabetic appt next week but would love to know if anyone else has experienced a difficult time and relieved any treatment etc. I am already on metformin and hospital is aware I'm TTC.. can't help but get down about it each month a period arrives! Thanks
Hey all, I'm wondering if anyone would know at what point can a T1 receive any help with checking fertility etc and any experiences. TTC with T1 and PCOS.. hasn't happened after a few months and I know its usually a year you can ask for help, I'm 34 and plan to ask at a normal diabetic appt next week but would love to know if anyone else has experienced a difficult time and relieved any treatment etc. I am already on metformin and hospital is aware I'm TTC.. can't help but get down about it each month a period arrives! Thanks
I think if you are planning pregnancy then they advise you should be taking a high dose folic acid for as many months as you can before hand.
Hey all, I'm wondering if anyone would know at what point can a T1 receive any help with checking fertility etc and any experiences. TTC with T1 and PCOS.. hasn't happened after a few months and I know its usually a year you can ask for help, I'm 34 and plan to ask at a normal diabetic appt next week but would love to know if anyone else has experienced a difficult time and relieved any treatment etc. I am already on metformin and hospital is aware I'm TTC.. can't help but get down about it each month a period arrives! Thanks

Have you done over-the-counter ovulation tests? Do you have regular cycles? Are you tracking them? How many months have you been TTC?

Your GP can do some (but not all) fertility checks but, as you say, this is usually after 12 months, or 6 months if you’re older.
I think if you are planning pregnancy then they advise you should be taking a high dose folic acid for as many months as you can before hand.

It’s not as many months as you can, it’s at least 3 months. There are protocols for pregnancy with Type 1.
Have you done over-the-counter ovulation tests? Do you have regular cycles? Are you tracking them? How many months have you been TTC?

Your GP can do some (but not all) fertility checks but, as you say, this is usually after 12 months, or 6 months if you’re older.
Yes I am using clear blue digital, I do have cycles but I think ovulation might be an issue as predicted time this month for example they were negative, this isn't every month but would like to perhaps get some help. 8 or 9 months now. Would the go checks be a blood test etc? Thanks
@HollieGW I used the temperature method so could see when ovulation was about to happen. Even if you’re ovulating at different times of your cycle, well-timed, regular activity should work. Because of your age (not that you’re old, of course!) and your PCOS, I’d make an appointment to discuss now if it’s been 8 or 9 months.

Yes, the GP can do blood tests on you. They can also order a sperm count, as often that’s the problem. For more specialised investigation, you’d need to be referred to a clinic, but some basic checks are sensible. Obviously carry on with doing everything you can too. An important thing to do is to relax. Some people swear by acupuncture for this. Have a Google.

Please don’t think that that means I think there’s ‘something wrong’. It’s just sensible to get the ball rolling. It might be you conceive soon anyway 🙂
Sometimes the old trying to get pregnant thing is a blocker. Just have fun for a few months and if it happens great, if not then take some action.
It’s helps if the female body is relaxed and having fun and it helps your general health not to worry too early. It’s different for everyone.

Keep us updated and take care x
Sometimes the old trying to get pregnant thing is a blocker. Just have fun for a few months and if it happens great, if not then take some action.
It’s helps if the female body is relaxed and having fun and it helps your general health not to worry too early. It’s different for everyone.

Keep us updated and take care x
You are so right there, I know several people who had given up and started going through adoption process and lo and behold fell pregnant.
My daughter struggled to get pregnant the second time after miscarriages but it happened and then a third 'by accident', I said she should have known better being an obstetrician.
Anyway 3 beautiful daughters, the last when she was 44.
With PCOS the ovulation strips can be unreliable as sometimes we can get the hormone surge but just be basically producing another cyst.

The basal body temperature (I think it was called?) method is much more reliable with PCOS for telling you if ovulation has actually happened, and a great bit of info to take with you to your first fertility appointment too if it comes to that.
Hope your TTC attempts are going well @HollieGW - and that you are able to get any extra help and support you need.