Trying to get sugars down


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As many are aware my new soup shake diet does not start until Sept 5th. They stopped my Empagliflozin on the 21st of May. This means I have been on diet alone so my readings are my own and down to me and my diabetes type2.
So now my daughter has gone I am trying to get my bloods down.
On getting up this morning it was 14.4mmol blood sugar test.
before breakfast that raised to 15.6
I had coffee and two large strawberries with greek yoghurt 4 tbs
" hours later it was 16.1
Another coffee
Lunchtime was 12.3
I had carrot batons and cucumber and pepper. I was going to have egg salad but hubby cooked they were too soft and I would not eat the egg. I had a cup of red bush and a glass of zero sports drink tablet in water.
2 hrs later 12.5

In the afternoon I had a coffee
Just thinking of having dinner so tested and it is 9mmols so going to have chicken curry chicken with onion, carrot and pepper and cauliflower made into rice.

Does that sound okay.
Sounds like you are doing great and levels are coming down nicely. Well done!
You are doing so well @Nayshiftin - don't blame you re the egg. I like them runny with toast soldiers, but not cucumber! And obviously I don't eat much toast these days :( You are working really hard getting your levels down. Roll on September, when hopefully it will be easier for you xx (mind you, the chicken curry and cauli rice sounds delicious)
Eggs.......tried them in the air fryer this week......wrong temp, wrong length of time, middle edible BUT........will try again but may resort to old fashioned methods........
I've tried frying eggs in an air fryer and the results were frankly absolutely awful.Best stick to tried & tested methods in future....
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My sister says 8 mins at 160/170 is enough. I have had eggs today but am going to give them another go maybe tomorrow or Monday
I haven't tried air fryer eggs yet
My sister says 8 mins at 160/170 is enough
Just to clarify, is that for eggs stored in the fridge, or on the counter (I keep mine in my fridge as I think most people do)
As I bake as a business, I buy eggs by the tray, so they stored at room temperature. Eggs from the fridge are too cold for baking I find, and there would be no room in the fridge, it's packed with salads and more salad stuff
As I bake as a business, I buy eggs by the tray, so they stored at room temperature. Eggs from the fridge are too cold for baking I find, and there would be no room in the fridge, it's packed with salads and more salad stuff
Do you bake any low carb stuff to post or collect if near Cambridge?
I haven't tried air fryer eggs yet

Just to clarify, is that for eggs stored in the fridge, or on the counter (I keep mine in my fridge as I think most people do)

Eggs can keep as long as 3 months out of the fridge and still be edible although the quality will diminish a bit the last 2 months. I have hens and have occasionally kept eggs that long when I have had a glut and still eaten them. They do not need to be refrigerated.
Do you bake any low carb stuff to post or collect if near Cambridge?
Sorry, it's all 'normal ' baking and I am not near Cambridge. The problem with baking anything slightly different is that we are all 'home' cooks and have no means of scientifically testing our baking.........rules and regs . As we sell to the general public, we need to comply.
Sorry, it's all 'normal ' baking and I am not near Cambridge. The problem with baking anything slightly different is that we are all 'home' cooks and have no means of scientifically testing our baking.........rules and regs . As we sell to the general public, we need to comply.
We have recently had The Cake Box opened near us and their cakes are totally egg free.
We have tried a slice a couple of times and they are amazingly light.
We have one in our town as well, but I am seldom in town. I bake, I know the cost of the ingredients so very seldom would buy cake. But I'm sure they are very good.
Eggs can keep as long as 3 months out of the fridge and still be edible although the quality will diminish a bit the last 2 months. I have hens and have occasionally kept eggs that long when I have had a glut and still eaten them. They do not need to be refrigerated.
Yes, I'm aware that refrigeration is optional, but the info on how long you can keep them is very useful, thanks 🙂
I use the fridge from habit, the old 'that's how it was done in the house I grew up in, and I just copied' thing 🙄
They can be frozen, not tried it, but only used for baking or in mixture, definitely not fried eggs......
They can be frozen, not tried it, but only used for baking or in mixture, definitely not fried eggs......
You need to crack them into a container, if you are going to freeze them and then as you say, use them for baking etc when you need them as they lose their structure during freezing and thawing.
Eggs can keep as long as 3 months out of the fridge and still be edible although the quality will diminish a bit the last 2 months. I have hens and have occasionally kept eggs that long when I have had a glut and still eaten them. They do not need to be refrigerated.
I too have hens and if the free loading, molly coddled pets don't start providing some eggs soon they are going on corn rations!
I too have hens and if the free loading, molly coddled pets don't start providing some eggs soon they are going on corn rations!

I have only got one hen left as my flock has been steadily picked off by irresponsibly owned dogs or foxes. I have just managed to break her of her broodiness that has been going on for the best part of 6 weeks and now she has started moulting, so it will probably be next year before I see anymore eggs. I did toy with giving her some hatching eggs but I still have too many cockerels that I can't bring myself to cull (getting soft in my old age), so can't afford keeping even more freeloaders. Don't understand why foxes always have to take my good, laying hens and leave the no good cockerels! 😡