Trying to conceive but weird things are happening.


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hello fellow diabetics.

I started to try and get pregnant back in May, which isn't that long a time, but feels like forever.
Anyway after having the coil removed in March, then having “normal” periods, the last 2 periods have confused me. Warning about to be descriptive.

My normal periods were heavy fresh looking blood in the first 4 days, with the odd clot, then slowly be darker and eventually lighten and stop.
Now last 2 periods have not been normal, they have been dark brown and not heavy, last one lasted 4 days, and currently started the second one early and it's dark in colour again and not showing on the pad, only when I wipe.
I've done 3 pregnancy tests all negative.
I'm tracking my ovulation.

I've been told that due to medication I have high prolactin, but everything else is normal. i'm so confused about my body and what's going on, I've been off food and been having loose poops as well.
I don't know if this something to worry about and give time to my body, or should I go back to the Dr.

Thanks for reading and any advice, also sorry if weird and to much information.
Hello fellow diabetics.

I started to try and get pregnant back in May, which isn't that long a time, but feels like forever.
Anyway after having the coil removed in March, then having “normal” periods, the last 2 periods have confused me. Warning about to be descriptive.

My normal periods were heavy fresh looking blood in the first 4 days, with the odd clot, then slowly be darker and eventually lighten and stop.
Now last 2 periods have not been normal, they have been dark brown and not heavy, last one lasted 4 days, and currently started the second one early and it's dark in colour again and not showing on the pad, only when I wipe.
I've done 3 pregnancy tests all negative.
I'm tracking my ovulation.

I've been told that due to medication I have high prolactin, but everything else is normal. i'm so confused about my body and what's going on, I've been off food and been having loose poops as well.
I don't know if this something to worry about and give time to my body, or should I go back to the Dr.

Thanks for reading and any advice, also sorry if weird and to much information.
I would go back to your GP asap and hopefully they will refer to to Obs and Gynae to get fully checked out as what you are experiencing doesn't sound normal.
It may just be your body settling after removal of the coil but better to be safe with anything out of the ordinary.
Which coil did you have? I had the copper coil removed at the end of June, and my periods have been much lighter since (though I had expected that). I have had 2 copper coils, and the most recent one I found that I had days of spotting in the run up to my period starting properly, whereas the previous one (there was a few years gap between them) I had the days of spotting at the end of the period. So it may be that this period hasn't started properly yet for you (my ovulation/ period app didn't count my period as starting when I still had the coil until it got to proper bleeding).

It may also be linked to the loose stools. I was diagnosed with IBS in my late 20s when my periods restarted after having my second child - I would have lots of cramping and very loose stools (and increased frequency) around the time of my periods. Gradually it improved to just looser stools (not full on diarrhoea) starting usually around a day before my period. I'm not sure exactly what triggered the start, but there is a family history of bowel issues, I was weaned at around 3 months (early weaning is known now to be a risk factor for developing IBS later in life but that and other risks weren't known in the 80s), and it seemed hormonally linked as it was with periods restarting (11) months after pregnancy (and happened more frequently at the time of periods). I know you have just had coil out rather than being pregnant, but if it was the mirena then that works partly by the hormones convincing your body that you are pregnant so it doesn't need to ovulate. Or it could just be coincidence that it is the same time and more age linked if it is IBS as that does tend to start in 20s.

If you are concerned then I agree that it doesn't hurt to contact GP and discuss with them, but they may not necessarily feel a gynae referral is needed as yet. They may though do a swab to make sure that there isn't anything infection wise that could contribute? Are you under the pre-pregnancy diabetes clinic by the way? You could mention to them also in case they can shed any light on it.
They just sound like light periods to me @Crumblebee It’s not unusual to have period weirdness when you start TTC. Stress and anxiety does it. How old are you?
I was told it takes a minimum of 6 months to go back to “normal” after stopping contraception. I’m on month 4 and they are still so random.

Just give it time.

Other things sounds odd so maybe back to the GP as others have suggested