Trying Fried Cabbage instead of Pasta with Bolognaise ?

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Raw cabbage is crunchy but not particularly hard.
Most of us are happy to eat it without worrying about break our teeth when we eat coleslaw.
But, if you feel you need to soften it, I find a couple of minutes in microwave with a spoonful of water the best option.
Boiled cabbage = school dinners to me! I’ve always shredded it, rinsed under the tap and put in a lidded saucepan with a knob of butter, then on a medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes, shaking frequently. Delicious!
2-3 mins in the microwave with the knob of butter and then tipped into the frying pan where your onions have already been softening and fry for a further minute or two just to mix them thoroughly.
Nothing worse than overcooked cabbage! !0 mins boiling is way too long in my opinion. 😱
I have been making a frying pan full of sweetheart cabbage and onion and Indian spices like cumin and garam masala and turmeric and a little chilli and garlic and then adding a bit of tomato puree and a quartered tomato and that has been delicious. Some days I added cooked mince or halloumi or green beans or mushrooms. Whatever I had that needed using up, but also quite happy just to have it on it's own and have really enjoyed the leftovers for breakfast the next morning. Haven't managed to sicken myself of it yet!!
I bought my first sweetheart cabbage last week. Delicious and thanks @rebrascora and @Billybobby for recipes for my solo suppers. We do DIY on three nights a week and this cabbage is just so tasty and keeps.

My other option as a carrier for bolognaise is spiralised courgette, washed through with boiling water. If I really want something more like spaghetti I go for black bean pasta. Much lower carb than other options.
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