Trying a tens machine

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone. I have very bad neuropathy in my legs arms and feet. On my 3rd medication and also trying cbd oil. After recommendation I bought a TENS machine yesterday. The question I wanted to ask was how intense should I have it. Do you get more benefit from higher power or doesn't it matter. At the moment I'm trying it at as high a setting as I can tolerate. Which to be honest is better than the pain I feel from the neuropathy. Also should the results be immediately apparent after first use or does it take time.
Advice gratefully received.
Hi everyone. I have very bad neuropathy in my legs arms and feet. On my 3rd medication and also trying cbd oil. After recommendation I bought a TENS machine yesterday. The question I wanted to ask was how intense should I have it. Do you get more benefit from higher power or doesn't it matter. At the moment I'm trying it at as high a setting as I can tolerate. Which to be honest is better than the pain I feel from the neuropathy. Also should the results be immediately apparent after first use or does it take time.
Advice gratefully received.
Diabetes I know very little about…..pain I know lots about! I found it best to start off lower and then move it up if it doesn’t help. You do get used to the level of tens so if you start very high you cant switch it up at all. I wasn’t diabetic when I used one so this is general advice. They are supposed to have a build up effect and will help with the pain even when you are not using them. I never found that and mine only helped when I had it switched on. Mine had several settings so from very low to very high also different pulsing so continuous or intermittent. So when I got used to one and it didn’t help so much I switched to another pulse setting for a while. I had pain in my wrist and wore one pad on my elbow and one on my wrist. I was told you could wear it near the spinal column but again it didn’t work as well for me. I was told not to wear it at night but that was when my pain was worst so completely ignored that and it really helped me get some very ended sleep! It did come off one night and stuck onto my lip….work up thinking I was having a stroke as couldn’t move my mouth and was in agony! (Just a warning!!!)
I hope you get some relief from your pain,
Hi jasesonix i have had a tens machine for over 12 years which i use mainly for severe back pains from arthritis and has given me relief for many years when i have flare ups the pain does not go completely but nearly ,you should have a manual to show you were to put the electrodes after regular use the pads loose there stickiness but you can buy replacements on line in various outlets , i hope you get some relief from neuropathy i know what pain you have as my wife has neuropathy caused by chemotherapy good luck.
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