trust issues!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As some of you may have read, my pump had a terminal fail last week, i eventually got a new pump and after spending ages with the animas software i have finally got my new pump working! i have just filled it etc and am more than a little worried about going to bed!! im sure this one will work! i have bought it some pump socks and given it a name - Cherry (its pink, i have no imagination) so it had better be very grateful! fingers crossed!
Hi Ellie no pump experience but it is a little late so did'nt want to go to bed and leave you with out some good luck, hope you manage to get a good nights sleep and Cherry behaves herself.Fingers crossed.x
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As some of you may have read, my pump had a terminal fail last week, i eventually got a new pump and after spending ages with the animas software i have finally got my new pump working! i have just filled it etc and am more than a little worried about going to bed!! im sure this one will work! i have bought it some pump socks and given it a name - Cherry (its pink, i have no imagination) so it had better be very grateful! fingers crossed!

Hope all is well Ellie.
cherry behaved, i was awake untill about 4am as my body thought i was still on nights so i could keep a close eye on her! fingers crossed thats the last or my pump woes!!!
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