Truss idea

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all. Liz Truss, if elected ( as seems likely) has threatened to overturn any remaining EU laws/decisions/standards still remaining in the UK. How might this affect Diabetics ? Will it mean returning to percentages for example in reporting HbA1cs ? The switch to the current numbers was an EMA directive I believe in 2012 or 13. We're out of the EMA now of course and the EMA HQ departed London for the continent.
I think any HBA1c change is unlikely as there would now be no benefit? I believe Liz Trusses plan to have a bonfire of these EU laws is a good idea overall but by the end of next year - I don't think so.
I believe Liz Trusses plan to have a bonfire of these EU laws is a good idea overall but by the end of next year - I don't think so.
I think it's an appalling waste of time, guaranteed just to increase costs even further (any businesses exporting to or importing from an EU country will need to worry about two sets of regulations).

I can imagine a few areas where there might be benefit in changing these laws, but the idea that you should change them all is purely for the Conservative party members (who really, really, hate the EU, while also sometimes living in it).
I think Hba1c is what we are used to.
I prefer the new school because that is what I have always used.

I only know my weight in kg but I am ambi-unitous when it comes to my height - I am equally comfortable in feet and inches as I am in metres.

On the other hand, I am not afraid of change and know I can adapt if I have to - I learnt to cook in lbs and oz but now use g.

I hope there are enough MPs with the sense to avoid wasting time and money debating the best units to provide diabetes data in. If not perhaps we should look at our electoral system - interesting that the Tory party use a form of proportional representation when voting for their leader but not for a general election.
The UK is still subject to the European Court of Human Rights, due to the Good Friday Agreement, which made the ECHR part of British law. Britain will be tangled up in European and EU laws/decisions/standards for many years to come. How this will affect diabetes measurements is uncertain.
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