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TRURAPI - Newly approved biosimilar for NovoRapid

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Definitely not. It seems only to come in a prefilled pen (I prefer a reusable one) and with no half unit option. (I quite often need a half unit).
Oh, and having a memory like a sieve, I'd be lost without my Novopen Echo which tells me how much and when I dosed!
Hence - I assume - can't be used in a pump either.
Not for me either , I prefer reusable pens and need half units .
Plus bio similar does not mean the same .
All these pharmas should be looking to reduce plastic waste - I am no Greta, not by any stretch, BUT.

(Half mile fatbergs in sewers, shreds of Snapwrap and plastic string woven into birds nests, hedgehogs with snouts stuck in discarded take-away cups ....... )
Make sure if you use NovoRapid that it is named by brand on your prescription and not as generic Insulin Aspart otherwise you could be prescribed the new biosimilar insulin by a pharmacist.

I remember that happening to you before I think @Flower 😱
Yeah - at one time a lot of GP surgeries did their scrips not specifying a brand - and subsequently got firm instructions from the Powers That Be to always specify BRAND - where insulin was concerned anyway. Both the GP surgeries I've used always have anyway - but it's quite probable there's no-one left at either of them that appreciates WHY. My scrips still are specific and so is Pete's, cos it matters with his COPD inhaler too.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.