

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi guys im new to this page im a type 2 diabetic and after many years of trying different medications my nurse decided to try me on Trulicity. I was so nervous to try it and she didn't really seem to no much herself regarding it but said to try it and she will review it in 8 weeks. well I started it two days ago and have felt constantly sick ever since, i'm also having stomach cramps that come and go but the most worrying thig im experiencing is what I can only explain as what feels like a panic attack, my heart starts racing and my chest gets tight,. im really hating this medication already I just don't no what to do i've just checked my sugars and there higher than ever before they were 21.4!!!!
Hi lou - have you ever had advice on your diet, in the way of reducing the amount of carbohydrate you consume?
Hi Lou
I was put on trulicity last year as I can not tolerate Metformin or some of the other alternatives was supposed to be a last attempt..had similar re-actions to you that worsened as weeks went on!..I felt the worst I have ever felt! energy no interest in food so not surprised you lose weight! Nausea constipation it was horrible!..I then did some research on a drug feedback site(sorry can't remember which one now think it was an American one)
Out of 18 pages of feedback only 2 people who posted had anything positive to say about the drug. Most said it felt toxic! And had to agree!.
I was back to square 1...and my Dr was then saying insulin may be the only option!! I was determined that wasn't going to happen...then Covid came to town!....but have to say it's been a divine intervention for me..having to self shield for 3 months (as over 60 and asthmatic as well!)...I have had time to research and found Dr Jason Fung's site on obesity.. diabetes and Intermittent Fasting...OMG this guy is amazing! For the first time since I was diagnosed I understand what insulin resistance is and what it is doing to my body and what my body needs!
Started IF Low carb and walking every day...3 months on I have dropped 3 dress sizes lost all my belly fat which have been trying to do for years...and most importantly my glucose numbers dropped from double figures to normal had reading if 4.8 yesterday which I haven't had ever on meds. I did all this with my Dr knowledge she is amazed and just awaiting my AC1 test to confirm what I already feel which is fab for the first time in a long time!!
Brill @Goldilocks ! That's what I'm seeking to discover from @lou84 - cos when the only thing your body can't handle are carbohydrates it's pretty daft to NOT reduce em.
Hi @lou84
Welcome to the forum. Sorry the change in medication has left you feeling so unwell, could you call your nurse and let her know? They can let you know if they want you to perservere or make changes.
I do hope you start to feel better soon and this is just a temporary response.
Hi lou - have you ever had advice on your diet, in the way of reducing the amount of carbohydrate you consume?
Hi, ive had a bit of advice but nothing in depth. I suffer from ibs aswell so i think a change in diet is whats needed.
Hi @lou84
Welcome to the forum. Sorry the change in medication has left you feeling so unwell, could you call your nurse and let her know? They can let you know if they want you to perservere or make changes.
I do hope you start to feel better soon and this is just a temporary response.
Hi, ive sent an email to my nurse if im honest im not too impressed with her she didnt seem very knowledgable it was the first time i had seen her because my previous nurse has left so she dosent no much about me or what i can tollerate.
Hi Lou
I was put on trulicity last year as I can not tolerate Metformin or some of the other alternatives was supposed to be a last attempt..had similar re-actions to you that worsened as weeks went on!..I felt the worst I have ever felt! energy no interest in food so not surprised you lose weight! Nausea constipation it was horrible!..I then did some research on a drug feedback site(sorry can't remember which one now think it was an American one)
Out of 18 pages of feedback only 2 people who posted had anything positive to say about the drug. Most said it felt toxic! And had to agree!.
I was back to square 1...and my Dr was then saying insulin may be the only option!! I was determined that wasn't going to happen...then Covid came to town!....but have to say it's been a divine intervention for me..having to self shield for 3 months (as over 60 and asthmatic as well!)...I have had time to research and found Dr Jason Fung's site on obesity.. diabetes and Intermittent Fasting...OMG this guy is amazing! For the first time since I was diagnosed I understand what insulin resistance is and what it is doing to my body and what my body needs!
Started IF Low carb and walking every day...3 months on I have dropped 3 dress sizes lost all my belly fat which have been trying to do for years...and most importantly my glucose numbers dropped from double figures to normal had reading if 4.8 yesterday which I haven't had ever on meds. I did all this with my Dr knowledge she is amazed and just awaiting my AC1 test to confirm what I already feel which is fab for the first time in a long time!!
I had a look on a forum myself and like u said only a couple of ppl had good things to say about it. Ive got 2 kids and a full time job so need to be as well as possible and if these side affects are only gonna get worse im just gonna get myself all stressed out about whats to come. Im not gonna be taking the next injection ill be speaking to the nurse about other possibilities asap. Ill have a read up on what youve suggested thankyou x
Also search this very forum for lower carb advice and how to use a BG meter to your advantage.
Also search this very forum for lower carb advice and how to use a BG meter to your advantage.
Right ok great i will do, to be honest ive never truly looked into it properly always just tried anything ive been told to try x
Welcome to the forum @lou84

Sorry to hear your experience with Trulicity has been so difficult.

Many people on the forum find that small (or significant!) changes to their regular menu can have a hugely positive effect on their diabetes management. I think it can be very difficult for HCPs to offer definitive advice as there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach that will work for everyone, so it’s a question of trial and error, and seeing what works for you.

There are obvious things like cakes, biscuits, sweets and sugary drinks that you probably cut out straight away, but you might be surprised how much *all* carbohydrate affects your BG levels, including potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, pastry, grains, cereals and many fruits. The really tricky thing is that blood glucose responses to various foods are highly individual, and it can be impossible to say which types and amounts of carbohydrate will ‘spike’ your BG without checking for yourself.

You can use a BG meter, taking a reading before and again 2hrs after eating, to see what the differences are, to identify any carbs that seem to be spiking BG (initially in a way the numbers themselves matter less than the differences between them). Once you can see how you respond to different types and amounts of carb in meals you can begin experimenting with reducing portions or trying different types (sometimes just having things at a different time of day makes a difference). Gradually tweaking and tailoring your menu to find one that suits your tastebuds, your waistline and your BG levels :)

If you are interested in this approach you may find test-review-adjust by Alan S a helpful framework.

If you need to self fund your BG meter, the most affordable meters members here have found are the SD Gluco Navii or the Spirit Tee2which both have test strips at around £8 for 50