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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone
im new to here so was hoping for some advice ;)
I was diagnosed type 2 2 years ago and was put on linaglyptin with no worries Hba1c was steady at 52-55 blood sugars 8 mmol in a morning then i had a spell of raised BMS touching 23-29 Hbaic was 63 then repeated 67 so it was decided that to add slow release metformin in and see what happened still no improvement upon waking im around 10-13
there was a discussion with my consultant about trying Trulicity but i was due to have abdo surgery and it was agreed i can start the injections after my surgery has i have heard there are alot of side effects
to cut a long story short my surgery has been postponed for 2 weeks im due to have it now a week on weds so im going to start it when i get home what have others expereinced


welcome to the forum, sorry - have no experience of Trulicity, but just wanted to say hello!
Hi @Nursemee :) I have no experience of Trulicity but my friend has. I have just spoken with him and he has no side effects except he keeps his readings higher e.g. 8 or above. Hope this helps, take care and welcome to the forum.:)
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