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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All

I am a bit new to this site so bear with me
I have been put on this new drug to help with my blood sugars.
I am on Humulin I and Humulin s am a type one diabetic
started this new drug in 2 weeks ago it has really has supressed my appetite can't believe I am always feeling full.
the nausea is really bad for me always feeling like I want to be sick but I have lost 10lb in just over 11 days my nurse said the nausea will ease off so I hope it does.
I will be sticking to it I haven't had any results yet they will be done in a couple of weeks.
so watch this space
Leona x
Hi Leona, welcome to the forum.

I note that you say you are Type 1, yet you have been put on Trulicity. Your insulin regime doesn’t sound like a standard T1 either. The reason I say that is because Trulicity stimulates the production of insulin from Beta cells in the pancreas. The hallmark of T1 is immune destruction of beta cells, stopping the production of insulin, so giving Trulicity to a T1 is flogging a dead horse.

That said, the nurse is right - the nausea should disappear within a month of starting it, so if you stick with it, you may well benefit.

How long have you been diagnosed, and what treatment were you on when first diagnosed?
Hi Leona, welcome to the forum.

I note that you say you are Type 1, yet you have been put on Trulicity. Your insulin regime doesn’t sound like a standard T1 either. The reason I say that is because Trulicity stimulates the production of insulin from Beta cells in the pancreas. The hallmark of T1 is immune destruction of beta cells, stopping the production of insulin, so giving Trulicity to a T1 is flogging a dead horse.

That said, the nurse is right - the nausea should disappear within a month of starting it, so if you stick with it, you may well benefit.

How long have you been diagnosed, and what treatment were you on when first diagnosed?
Trulicity has other effects as well. It slows gastric emptying, making you full for longer, so aids weight loss. More worryingly, it suppresses glycogen release from the liver, which may help keep glucose levels lower, but I’d have thought you run the risk of your liver not kicking in to save you if you have a severe Hypo.


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Hi All

I am a bit new to this site so bear with me
I have been put on this new drug to help with my blood sugars.
I am on Humulin I and Humulin s am a type one diabetic
started this new drug in 2 weeks ago it has really has supressed my appetite can't believe I am always feeling full.
the nausea is really bad for me always feeling like I want to be sick but I have lost 10lb in just over 11 days my nurse said the nausea will ease off so I hope it does.
I will be sticking to it I haven't had any results yet they will be done in a couple of weeks.
so watch this space
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