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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi, I have recently started on Trulicity and could not find a lot of information on it from other members prior to starting so I thought I might start a thread with my experiences should anyone else be considering it.

I took my first injection on saturday evening, the first two weeks you take a half dose to allow your body to adjust to the changes. No side effects to speak of all day sunday however I did have a hypo sunday evening after dinner which I later realised was due to my insulin requirements reducing.

Monday morning I woke up and felt VERY sick. I also had heartburn and kept getting 'eggy' burps. I didn't manage to eat anything until lunch time and still felt slightly off then. After forcing some food down I did find that it helped with the sickness and again found that I needed almost half of the insulin that I have previously been taken. It's worth noting that my background insulin has so far stayed the same.

I had dinner Monday evening and again took less insulin. I'm amazed at how quickly my blood sugar results have stabilised and my sugars are under 7 even an hour after eating a generous homemade lasagne.

Tuesday morning again I still have the heartburn/eggy burps but no sickness. My appetite is greatly reduced as is my insulin requirements.

I happened to have a hospital appointment on Friday and again on Tuesday and was surprised to find that I have already lost 1kg in weight. The nurses have advised that there will quite often be quite rapid weight loss in the first 4-6 weeks and that this should then slow down after as your body becomes accustomed to the new drug.

I will continue to update with how I get on especially when I increase the dosage the week after next. So far I would say the pros are outweighing the cons but then I guess it depends how long the symptoms continue for!
It will be great to hear how you get on, Emma. Trulicity gets such a bad name, but it’s the folk who get side effects badly who shout the loudest.

The side effects should decrease with time, and it sounds very much like you are getting all the benefits and just troublesome side effects. A bit of Gaviscon should sort the heartburn out.

Anyway, plough on and keep us informed. It’s always good to hear success stories for us moaners (and the rest of the gang) to celebrate:)
I hope you find it works well for you. The initial signs are very good
So far so good! The heartburn is still there but gaviscon/rennie is a regular fixture and sorting that out. I am feeling hungrier as the week ends (due to take my next injection tomorrow) but my blood sugar levels are still very stable. I have also had problems with going to the loo, had a break of 5 days ad have had to start on some senokot but no pain from it which I was expecting.

I'm actually over the moon with how it is working, slightly apprehensive to increase the dose in a week but we will see how it goes!
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