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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
What are peoples thoughts on the serious side effects of possible thyroid cancer? Does anyone know the percentage rate? It's making me extremely anxious and not wanting to use it ....
I think the severity of any possible outcome probably affects the way in which drug manufacturers are obliged to share the information. And in the case of the US I suspect there may be an anti-litigation imperative in doing so?

I have had a quick look (not exhaustive by any means) amd came across this article in the BMJ which may put the scariness of the warnings into some kind of context?

The picture seems somewhat mixed, and there were enough flags of potential increased risk to prompt investigation into the possibility.

“Concerns about thyroid cancer with glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1) receptor agonist use were first raised in the premarketing phase after studies showed increased rates of thyroid C cell tumours in rodents.1While the relevance of these findings to humans is not known, in the United States, product labels of GLP1 receptor agonists include boxed warnings about thyroid cancer and these drugs are contraindicated in patients with a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2”.

Which resulted in follow-up data being gathered and investivations being undertaken, though

“These data prompted the European Medicines Agency to raise a safety concern and start an investigation, which concluded that the available evidence does not support a causal association.”

However the researchers conclude:

Conclusions In this large cohort study using nationwide data from three countries, GLP1 receptor agonist use was not associated with a substantially increased risk of thyroid cancer over a mean follow-up of 3.9 years. In the main analysis comparing GLP1 receptor agonists with DPP4 inhibitors, the upper limit of the confidence interval was consistent with no more than a 31% increase in relative risk.​

So it looks like there have certainly been some question marks over the years, but not in a way that has lead those investigating to recommend the product is withdrawn from use.

It might be helpful for you to discuss your worries with your Dr or a qualified pharmacist?

Do you have a family history or previous personal experience of thyroid cancer?
Do discuss with yr doc, but I think one mainstream view on these drugs which has developed over time is that the (small) excess thyroid cancer risk seen early on in the life of Trulicity was pronably largely an artifact of increased surveillance for it. In other words, people were looking out more for signs of thyroid cancer, and so they found more.

This was a large study from 2021 looking at thyroid cancer risks of liraglutide (= Trulicity) vs other diabetes meds, which reached this conclusion:

The statistical analysis is complicated by the very small number of events, but the study found no statistically significant evidence that Trulicity is worse than other common meds in this respect.

A number of analyses were conducted and were generally consistent with no increase in risk of TC among liraglutide initiators. Sensitivity analyses support the interpretation that the observed elevated point estimates likely resulted from surveillance bias.
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