Trulicity update - long post

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I asked a few weeks ago about Trulicity but nobody on the forum had experience of this so I thought it would be useful to add an update.
Trulicity is a once a week injection which you administer yourself. The unit is a self contained, single use and I have found it simple to use. Diabetic nurse had a demo model and there is a Trulicity app which includes links to instructions and videos. The app also includes a reminder which you can set for when your dose is due, as it is once a week I think this might be useful as it allows you to snooze it until you say you have taken it and it has a location setting so that if you are elsewhere it can remind you when you get home.
Week one I felt sick as a dog. Nausea was constant and often accompanied by heartburn. My before meal bg readings which had been between 7 & 9 dropped to between 6 & 7. So great readings but I didn’t feel at all well and I could hardly face food at all. I tested more regularly because I was feeling so rough.
Week two, am I really going to inject myself again? Well I did and the nausea continued. As the week progressed I started to adapt to smaller meals and my BG before meals dropped to between 5 & 6. There was stuff going on this week so I was a bit distracted but the numbers were good and I felt I was managing the nausea. I got some of those travel sickness bands but I didn’t notice much difference. Smaller meals and still testing a bit more than before.
Week three. Nervous about this one as the nausea was less at the end of week two so was this going to set it off again? Happy to report that the nausea is minimal, bg averaging 5.4 before meals for the week.

If you are still with me sorry for the long post but I thought it might be helpful to someone. I really did feel awful for the first couple of weeks which I’m guessing was a combination of having to re-train my body on what is actually normal BG and the portion control as this medication slows down the release of food from the stomach.
I am interested to see what the longer term results are. There has been some weight loss but I haven’t reported on that as I want to see how it goes as that part of the body is probably in shock too.

I asked a few weeks ago about Trulicity but nobody on the forum had experience of this so I thought it would be useful to add an update.
Trulicity is a once a week injection which you administer yourself. The unit is a self contained, single use and I have found it simple to use. Diabetic nurse had a demo model and there is a Trulicity app which includes links to instructions and videos. The app also includes a reminder which you can set for when your dose is due, as it is once a week I think this might be useful as it allows you to snooze it until you say you have taken it and it has a location setting so that if you are elsewhere it can remind you when you get home.
Week one I felt sick as a dog. Nausea was constant and often accompanied by heartburn. My before meal bg readings which had been between 7 & 9 dropped to between 6 & 7. So great readings but I didn’t feel at all well and I could hardly face food at all. I tested more regularly because I was feeling so rough.
Week two, am I really going to inject myself again? Well I did and the nausea continued. As the week progressed I started to adapt to smaller meals and my BG before meals dropped to between 5 & 6. There was stuff going on this week so I was a bit distracted but the numbers were good and I felt I was managing the nausea. I got some of those travel sickness bands but I didn’t notice much difference. Smaller meals and still testing a bit more than before.
Week three. Nervous about this one as the nausea was less at the end of week two so was this going to set it off again? Happy to report that the nausea is minimal, bg averaging 5.4 before meals for the week.

If you are still with me sorry for the long post but I thought it might be helpful to someone. I really did feel awful for the first couple of weeks which I’m guessing was a combination of having to re-train my body on what is actually normal BG and the portion control as this medication slows down the release of food from the stomach.
I am interested to see what the longer term results are. There has been some weight loss but I haven’t reported on that as I want to see how it goes as that part of the body is probably in shock too.

Thanks for sharing L.
A very interesting post if I may say so.
It’s good that you managed to stick with it L, it certainly seems to be keeping things on target. As Vince says, thanks for recounting your adventures- I’m sure it will help others who might be wary of embarking on this treatment. Thanks:)
Thank you so much for posting this..I was about to post for some advice but found this in a search:) I was recommended Trulicity this week at my nurses appointment, I have only been diagnosed 6 weeks ago, and take Humulin and Metformin, but as I am managing to keep my BG in the 5's , that along with a weight loss of 4 kilos in 2 weeks, I declined it for now. Not sure I want to risk having the side effects! If my weight loss slows then I may consider. Reading your post has been really informative.. :)
I’ve just started taking Trulicity this morning glad I found this I’ve high BG between 17 & 21 even though I was taking 130 humalog 3x a day & toujeo 130 at night plus was on sitagliptin now on 100 of each & no sitagliptin & hoping Trulicity will reduce numbers feeling a little nauseous & got a headache so taking it easy today fingers crossed
Hi @ladyengineer I was wondering if you had any update on how you are going with this? I am due to see the nurse shortly to get started on Trulicity and am interested to hear how it has been long term
Hi @ladyengineer I was wondering if you had any update on how you are going with this? I am due to see the nurse shortly to get started on Trulicity and am interested to hear how it has been long term
I have a review this month so I will post an update after that.
The initial side effects were awful but did subside and I haven't had any ongoing issues. I did lose some weight initially but I am not sure how much it was related to how ill I felt and therefore was eating so much less. I got a tummy bug and dropped weight from that but some of that has gone back on.
Update: I've had my review with the consultant after 6 months on the Trulicity for 6 months.
Weight down 3kg , Hba1c over a 10 point drop. Current regime to continue.
It was a relief to hear some good news as going on to the Trulicity was initially distressing as previously reported.

Update: I've had my review with the consultant after 6 months on the Trulicity for 6 months.
Weight down 3kg , Hba1c over a 10 point drop. Current regime to continue.
It was a relief to hear some good news as going on to the Trulicity was initially distressing as previously reported.

Hi @ladyengineer, good to hear from you, and great news about the results! :) We have some members who have recently started on Trulicity, so hopefully they will find this encouraging :)
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