Trulicity - suggestions please


New Member
morning This is my 1st post, although I have been a member for a while and type 2 for 4 years. Hbc1a was not controlled by the usual cocktail of meds. This week my GP started me on Dulaglutide following advice from my cardiologist.
Can anyone advise on how to manage the nausea, diarrohrea, stomach cramps. I have reduced portion size but still having side effects.
Hi Im new to trulcity also experiencing feeling sick if I dont eat but worried what to eat and how much as been experiencing vomiting and diarroea
any advice greatly appreciated
I would like to here from anyone on this drug, I started it last week the results are great.
First my insulin I have had to reduce 28 to 18units that's day and night.
Feeling nasia but feel much better , early days.9.
Hi I started on Trulicity last Thursday, day 1 vomiting,day 2 hardly ate just slightly nauseous, day 3 had small portions up all night diarroreah stomach cramps. Basically feeling wiped out, can anyone advise if symptoms subside over time
Congratulations on de-lurking @ml47 :D

Sorry to hear you’ve been having side effects with Trulicity - I think nausea is a fairly common side effect. But combined with vomiting and diarrhoea it sounds very unpleasant.

Did you start on a full dose, or was it ramped up over a number of weeks?

I think member @Totalwar was taking trulicity for a while, and may have some experiences to share.

Sounds like you need to have a chat with your Dr or a qualified pharmacist for their advice, and whether these side effects are likely to settle down over time :(
Hi and welcome from me too.

It sounds like your body may not be coping with the strength of your starting dose. I have read that nausea is common with this drug but vomiting and diarrheoa seem excessive side effects and needs further discussion with a clinician. I hope you are able to speak to someone sooner rather than later to resolve the problem.
Please come back and let us know how you get on.
Hi. This drug is normally prescribed when someone has excess weight and T2. Have you tried a low-carb diet as this can sometimes avoid the need for this drug?
The first week or two in I also felt a bit 'off' but it soon settled down and started to do its job. Numbers much more stable, I feel full quicker and if I still eat a big meal then I too feel bloated afterwards, so i only do it when the occasion makes it worthwhile!

Worth sticking with if you can would be my thoughts, but as ever its a peronal view only.
Good luck
Sorry your getting them side affects.I never got thoses I had severe headaches after a few months I had to give it up.I didn’t get stomach problems.You sure it’s down to to that drug are you taking metformin?
Hi everyone thanks for your responses.
Yes I am also taking metformin 2000 mg and canaglizin 300mg been on those meds for last 2 years.
On my 4th week of Trulicity, the vomiting settled after the first week, still get diarroeah and nausea for the first 3 days after injecting but neither as bad as the first week
I started on 1.5 mg Trulicity as the lower dose was unavaiable due to shortages, so maybe it was a big shock to my body as I am petite in height
Good news is I've lost 5 kilos although I would have preferred to lose this weight by a nicer method :)
Thank you for all above responses
As I am new here it’s been so helpful
I am not alone
Thank you for all above responses
As I am new here it’s been so helpful
I am not alone
Welcome to the forum
You might want to start your own thread to introduce yourself with a bit of information about your diagnosis, medication and how you manage your diabetes and of course any questions you may have. Only because this is quite a specific thread so may not get full attention.