Trulicity and Type1

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

I recently received a letter telling me I am to be put on Trulicity.
When I researched what this was, I saw quoted this was for T2 only and not to be prescribed to T1...can anyone else advise if they have been prescribed this as a T1?

Also I read up its for weight loss and glucose control but my BMI is 29 and I'm quite muscular and play a lot of team sports.

I'm not sure if this is right for me, would like to hear from anyone else in a similar situation
Hi All,

I recently received a letter telling me I am to be put on Trulicity.
When I researched what this was, I saw quoted this was for T2 only and not to be prescribed to T1...can anyone else advise if they have been prescribed this as a T1?

Also I read up its for weight loss and glucose control but my BMI is 29 and I'm quite muscular and play a lot of team sports.

I'm not sure if this is right for me, would like to hear from anyone else in a similar situation
I don’t have personal experience, but just reading up abut it, it looks as if it works partly by stimulating the beta cells. If you’re Type 1, you haven’t got many left, so it’s the equivalent of flogging a dead horse. ( Apart from the fact that on Trulicity's own website it says it 'should not be used by Type 1s' That’s quite definite!) Who has sent the letter to you? The only time I’ve had a treatment change, it’s been brought up face to face in a clinic situation.
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My advice? - ring whoever sent the letter ASAP and query the contents! It HAS to be wrong.
Hi, I have recently been taking off Trulicity and the main reason for this is that they are now thinking I may be type 1 rather than type 2. This medication is definitely not suitable for type 1's so you need to call and query this. I really wouldn't recommend taking it.
Hi hkeniston. Welcome to the forum:)

I agree with the gang, this must be an error. It should never be used in T1 diabetes. If the letter came from your surgery, give them a ring and ask why you’ve got it. You may have been mixed up with another patient, who may miss out on the horrible side effects. Wouldn’t want that to happen:rolleyes:
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