Trulicity and Flying


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I wonder if anyone has had a similar issue to me whilst on holiday. I have been on Trulicity 1.5 for approx. 3 months now, with no side effects other than a reduction in appetite (which I have found a good thing!) and a reduction in my levels. We fly abroad about 3-4 times a year, usually on flights of no more than 3-4 hours. Since being on the injection, rather than taking my injection with me to use whilst abroad, I have taken it on the morning that we fly (a day before my usual day) which the Trulicity leaflet says is okay to do. I'm not sure whether it is the Trulicity or something else, but on the first night of both holidays I have almost passed out in the evening after eating, so I doubt it could be a hypo, and would have done had I not laid down, which is frightening and embarrassing as people probably think I am drunk. I only had a small glass of wine with my meal on both occasions. I am also on 4 x 500mg Metformin, 75mg Losartan and 20mg Atorvastatin, which I take with water with my evening meal. I can't find anything that refers to any issues with Trulicity and flying but would welcome any feedback/advice if anyone has any.