True test of pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have a streaming cold :( like half the population at the mo ,( was bound to happen i suspose working with children) and usually when i have a cold my bs go through the roof , just checked bs and it is 6.4 yet more proof that my pump is amazing :D
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I'm on antibiotics and they are playing havoc with the BG's at the moment. A bit of basal testing when I'm off those will be in order. I've done illness on the pump before and it's much, much better than on jabs. The flucloxacillin I'm on has necessitated a temporary basal of 175%. Not amused.
Glad it's working for you Jenny! I am yet to be ill on the pump, I'm sure it will happen soon enough though!

Are you on a temporary basal out of interest?
No Shiv was planning on doing one if bloods started to creep up , but fortunately they havent yet , think im over the worse now so dont think i will have to at all now , Well done pump again 🙂
Thats good news - and at least you *can* put on a temporary basal if needs be. Alex has been on a 400% before and I know another child who has been on 800% - so dont worry if you need to do one.🙂Bev
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