Troubles - don't read if you're squeamish

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I may not be in much for a while. I've been having some serious plumbing troubles (BGs are not bad) and can't keep food down. I've got to go to the hospital tomorrow for tests and may be kept in if they find what they expect to. I've had some trouble over the years with a duodenal ulcer which may have flared up again, I've been in pain for over two weeks now and it's getting worse, though there's no blood as yet. I'm not sure the doctor's right though because the anitbiotics aren't helping at all and it doesn't feel like the ulcer usually does. I just feel really bloated and sick and have the most awful cramps at times. I feel as though I'm going to explode. I've just spent the last three days on the loo with my head in the sink and you can imagine how miserable I feel as a result. Apparently the other options are IBS or a bad reaction to the diabetic meds. This last is my bet as the side effects have never really worn off and seem to be getting worse.

So if I'm not in for a bit it ain't cos I don't love you all. I'll let you know what's happening as and when I can.
Hope the investigations find some solutions for you. Take as long as you need - no need to rush back here until you're ready.
Hi Alison sorry to hear your not on good form hun i had thought over the weekend you had gone abit quiet, i do hope they can pinpoint whats wrong and you get back to your super self asap xxx

That sounds horrible! Fingers crossed they figure out what it is really quickly & get you feeling well again soon! Take care of yourself,

Twitchy xx
I hope the hospital can help you out and you feel much better soon! Take care.
Sorry to hear you not so good, take care and hope you get sorted quickly, x
Very sorry to hear it Ally, I hope that they can find the cause and that it is easily treated. Take care.
Alison, look after yourselft - hope all turns out well for you
Poor you Alison, thinking of you and hoping you get prompt answers and a solution that improves life for you. Take good care of yourself.xx
Hi Alison
Hope they find out what it is - hospital would be the best place for that!. Will be thinking of you. Take care.
I hope you feel better soon and you get some results from the hospital. Sounds like really bad IBS, but the hospital will confirm or not. Take the time you need to get better.
Hi all, still suffering the torments and feeling really rotten. I've been given some fortified juice drinks, sans sugar by the surgery but I still can't keep much down. I'm trying to keep busy to distract myself. Which leads to the good news, I had an eye test at Specsavers yesterday and boy was it thorough, she spent a good twenty minutes examining my eyeballs. The whole process took over an hour and the result is that my prescription is unchanged and there's no sign of retinopathy or glaucoma. Of course she was careful to say I should wait for the hospital screening to confirm that, but it's a huge relief given the way my bloods have been. I was so scared they might find something.

All I need now is a way to deal with the plumbing problems.
Good luck with it all darlin!! I hope they get to the bottom of it soon!! Hopefully they'll be on the ball with it and you'll be back in no time!! Take care of you!! XxXxX
OK, I'm back. They did the ultrasound and some tests that ruled out duodenal ulcer, cancer and IBS. I was kept in overnight and closely monitored then had an endoscopy this morning because the scan showed some swelling in my esophagus. Nothing to worry about there, it's just irritated by all the throwing up. They gave me some pills to stop the nausea and fed me some soup which has stayed down so far. If I'm still OK in about an hour, they'll let me out of here.

The diagnosis is Lactic Acidosis which is what's been causing all the symptoms so they've had me on a bicarb drip to get my blood Ph back to where it should be and it will be closely monitored from now on. Apparently, I've been very lucky (oh really doctor?) as it could have been a lot worse.

Thanks all for your support.
The good news is, now they know to watch for it, it can be dealt with far more quickly so I shouldn't have to go through this again.
Glad they got to the bottom of it all and you can be aware and look out for any symptoms if they recur - lets hope they don't. Don't you just love doctors who say "you've been lucky" Yeah right, you've been suffering loads! Take care now and good luck for a good recovery.
Glad they got to the bottom of it Alison. You're not on metfrmin are you? I seem to remember reading that, if you are ill you should stop taking it as it can lead to lactic acidosis.
Glad they got to the bottom of it Alison. You're not on metfrmin are you? I seem to remember reading that, if you are ill you should stop taking it as it can lead to lactic acidosis.

I was on the slow release version which they've now taken me off. I'm on a doubled dose of Sitagliptin for the moment while they consider the options. They mentioned something called Avandia as a possibility, but are considering some form of insulin as well.
Glad to hear the cause has been found, so both you and medics will know what to look out for, and that your metformin has been stopped, as it should be in the face of lactic acidosis, and they're considering options, rather than rushing into insulin / Avandia etc.
I guess the doctor meant "you're lucky - it's not cancer", which I guess I'd agree with if a doctor said to me, although I'd probably also remind them of other unpleasant symptoms I'd been suffering.
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