Trouble with circulation ,feet swell with metformin

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
looking to try altenative to metformin nhs not helpful at local surgery -Having trouble keeping blood sugar controlled and bp ;have circulation problem with metformin .
Recomendations welcome Herbal or otherwise Food based welcome.
Cant take the only meds ive been offered .

recap just been offeredTrajenta on its own 5mg? once a day will this help .Little bit concerned that this isnt enough
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Well 5mg is the normal daily dose for an adult apparently!
When my lower legs and feet were very swollen after my first AZ jab - I thought I might lose one toe - I had two lots of antibiotics and tried all the tricks I could think of - hot and cold water massaging elevating, and was within a few hours of going to A & E when I thought of ginkgo biloba - a circulation booster extracted from the maidenhair tree.
It worked very quickly - it is a long standing medication. There were herbalists in my father's family, and nurses/midwives who were often sent for rather than doctors before the NHS was set up.
Do check with your GP, if you are taking other medication it might not be advisable to mix them, I don't take anything so just went ahead.
Here is a bit of information on Trajenta - generic name Linagliptin -from Diabetes UK site

There are other medications that act in a similar way if you have side effects

Were you having circulation problems before taking Metformin, could there be another reason for the problems you're having rather than being caused by Metformin?
Since coming off Metformin in July ( I had been on tablets, 850 mg twice a day, for years, but my Parkinson's made the tablets difficult to swallow, so I was switched to liquid form, which gave me nausea and diarrohea, so was switched to Sitagliptin) my lower legs, ankles and feet have lost the 'inflated' look, and are in fact pleasingly skinny.
Here is a bit of information on Trajenta - generic name Linagliptin -from Diabetes UK site

There are other medications that act in a similar way if you have side effects

Were you having circulation problems before taking Metformin, could there be another reason for the problems you're having rather than being caused by Metformin?
Hypercoagulability is i think my problem and my high bp never was treated well,my gout i think isnt gout- but a more comlicated problem with a long term diabetic condition ;never treated.
The linagliptin hasnt worked and aspirin seems to be the one thing that helps with the conditions symptoms.The dr isnt on top of this and claims that circulation is normal .I dont think that drs ever listen to patients .Not sure what will work in the end ,trying ginger- seems to help a little.
Diabetic nurse phoned trying to sweep problem under the carpet after dr didnt offer me a suitable replacement for metformin ,tried to force me back onto meformin by offering me nothing else ,my levels are dangerous NHS seem to not care.I turned down the drug as it wasnt for me.This is the current attitude of the nhs ;will do anything for drug companies and to hide side effects ,care little for people it seems.
Recomendations welcome Herbal or otherwise Food based welcome.
Sorry to hear that you don't feel supported by your Health care professionals and don't feel the medication is helping.
A low carb diet works for many people in dramatically reducing and managing BG levels, far more so than most oral meds. Perhaps if you tell us the sort of things you currently eat and drink in an average day for breakfast, lunch and evening meal and any snacks, we can suggest lower carb alternatives.
I really eat barely any carbs-its the drug thats the problem.Reading and researching met and have found lots of negatives -I work manually and need muscles to work normally ,this medication seems effect muscles in a very negative manner.Im keeping this med on the least amount possible .I have another medication and i think once under better control ill try and replace this medication with something that allows proper muscle profile and growth causing less weight loss.
Trying a lot of herbal and natural medications white willow,Alba powder- cinnamon /still having problems-slow release metformin and have now gone on slow release 500mg times 2 plus the tragenta .This isn't ideal I have had hives and a lump in my neck and i still feel a bit like im being ignored ,and that its inconvenient that i have issues and side effects;i don't believe my side effects are being reported.If i can find any natural products to replace Metformin ,I still plan to do so .
I have no idea what the swelling in my neck is but I do hope the nhsx actually addresses the problem.
So what did your GP say about the swelling in your neck when you consulted him/her about that?
Have you had your HbA1c checked recently @adamtype2gout ? How are your current meds working at the moment in terms of helping you manage your BG levels? Are your BGs still struggling?

Have you been offered any alternative meds to help you?
I have been offered the same medications -Tests are comming up but i cant remain on the medication-the linagliptin could be and is likely to be the cause of my swollen thyroid? Neck-problem.Hopefully I can still tolerate the increasing dose of the metformin .I reported an allegic reaction to linaglitin yesterday only to be offfered more of it-even if it isnt causing my neck to swell it has brought me up in hives once already.Ive now read enough to know with a past problem of random heartbeats and a hyperallegic skin this is not something im going to be continuing .so i really hope i can manage without it.
waiting list was months ,didnt do the needle test -big lump on my neck problems breathing ,eating NHS useless
They did nothing about the lump my neck they did nothing about my feet .The nhsx are the worst service ever My eyes are failing i cant navigate the booking system ,cant see right -cant think straight
The nhs-x isnt fit for purpose .They took me off the tragenta and now im unable to stand the metformin so take only 1000mg a day ,which isnt working .I had an infection and the receptionist said i was rude when i was frustrated i couldnt get them to treat it as an emergency -that has now got much worse my feet have changed shape a little .Im very depressed .
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