Trouble Reading Balance

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Does anyone else have problems reading the Balance magazine? There seems to be an overuse of white print on colours like orange and purple which I find very difficult to read since suffering diabetic retinopathy. Almost worse is pale blue on white (p19, issue 280 for instance). Unless I am very good light I can't read any of it - sorry editors but although it all looks nice it is not readable to some of us without a real struggle. Am I alone in this??
Though I don't suffer retinopathy, I too have issues with low contrast print. A real pain as my programming environment is low contrast
Hi @ParkyS sorry to hear that you're having some difficulty with the contrast in some of the Balance Magazine articles. I have passed on this valuable feedback to the team at Balance so that they can consider this for future editions.
Just so you know, we do provide Balance in large print and on Audio CD if you feel that this would be helpful. You can contact for enquires about this.
I hope I am not hi-jacking this thread but wanted to ask when you receive your first copy of the Balance. I started subscribing 2 months ago but have never received the magazine. Can anyone tell me when i would be likely to receive a copy? I am looking forward to reading it. Thanks.
I hope I am not hi-jacking this thread but wanted to ask when you receive your first copy of the Balance. I started subscribing 2 months ago but have never received the magazine. Can anyone tell me when i would be likely to receive a copy? I am looking forward to reading it. Thanks.
Hi Poppie, Balance doesn't come out every month so you might just have been unlucky in missing one when you joined - I think we are due a new edition soon. I'd suggest contacting Diabetes UK Supporter services and finding out why there's been a delay, you can use the Helpline phone or email:
Thanks Northerner for the link and info - I hadn't realised that they weren't monthly. I will contact them and see when the Balance is due. Thanks again.
@Hannah DUK - It is completely batty, I'm a youthful 68 with not all that bad eyesight, corrected with specs for decades and my scrips have hardly changed over the years (except before I had my cataracts sorted) so nowt unusual and I have trouble with such things. May have looked quite pretty when I was 22 - but Balance was then in broadsheet format and firmly monochrome then!

When we had the lay diabetes group at Warwick Medical School and researchers were required to get any D research okayed by the group before being allowed to apply for funding - we were forever having to take them to task over printing - too shiny paper, too small fonts, indistinct colour ink.

Many, many of us are of 'advanced' age even if we don't have any diabetic eye complications.
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