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Relationship to Diabetes
My daughter (8years old) is on a very low dose of tresiba 2 units at night. The last 2 weeks her night time sugars have being getting higher and higher with us correcting with nova rapid. I think she's coming out of honeymoon phase. Her ratios and correction factor changed a good bit in last few weeks.

Question around tresiba - would 3 units instead of 2 units at night be much? Would we see a difference with it? I know it can take 72 hours before you may notice anything. Thanks
Welcome @Longdays1 🙂 Personally I’d leave any change a little longer. There are so many things that can affect blood sugar. Recently I’ve found a mild virus made mine high unexpectedly. If she does need more Tresiba, I wouldn’t jump a whole unit as she’s on such a small dose. I’d go for a 1/2 unit increase if needed. You should also speak to her team for advice.
Do you have a pen with half units? We were always told to do increases of around 10% so a full unit is a big jump in this case. Is she coming down with something? Is her schedule different with half term - a change in activity levels can make a big difference with tresiba and we found that exercise effects would last for a good 24-48 hours so if she’s less active that may well impact her night time levels. Also weather impacts diabetes too so warmer weather may raise her levels (or lower them, everyone is different). But yes coming out of the honeymoon phase will show different insulin needs.

And also how high is high?

We tend to email out team and they will then either email us back or give us a call. Easier than trying to chase them on the phone.
Hate to mention this - but I'm going to - ???puberty hormones ......
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