Treats and special occasions

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I’m new here but not new to type 2 diabetes. I was diagnosed when I was 18 after a random blood test and for the first year I took it seriously and made some progress when my doctors told me it could be diet controlled only.

Here I am 9 years later and after ignoring my health completely and avoiding the doctors and this issue for the best part of a decade (mental health has played the biggest role here, I’m not proud of it) I’ve just been prescribed Metformin after an astronomical A1c result. I should think I’ll probably have to take it for the rest of my life now.

I think this is the biggest wake up call of my life and I’m committed this time to bettering my health so I can live longer and not have all the complications being diabetic has come with.

My question is, whilst committing to losing weight (calorie deficit) and controlling sugars with Metformin (hopefully), is it ok to have one meal every so often for a special occasion, like for mine or my husbands birthday, or on holidays when I just want to enjoy food? I don’t mean go crazy, just potentially a more carb heavy meal, with a slice of cake for dessert? I’m talking like 4 times a year possibly, not every week or month even.

I’m also unsure of the rules around drinking alcohol whilst on metformin? I understand the risks of dehydration and lactic acidosis and I don’t drink at all except for when at a festival in the summer for example when it would be nice to enjoy festival culture and drink freely (whilst staying hydrated ofc).

If anyone has any advice or experience with anything in my post I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.
Hi, I’m new here but not new to type 2 diabetes. I was diagnosed when I was 18 after a random blood test and for the first year I took it seriously and made some progress when my doctors told me it could be diet controlled only.

Here I am 9 years later and after ignoring my health completely and avoiding the doctors and this issue for the best part of a decade (mental health has played the biggest role here, I’m not proud of it) I’ve just been prescribed Metformin after an astronomical A1c result. I should think I’ll probably have to take it for the rest of my life now.

I think this is the biggest wake up call of my life and I’m committed this time to bettering my health so I can live longer and not have all the complications being diabetic has come with.

My question is, whilst committing to losing weight (calorie deficit) and controlling sugars with Metformin (hopefully), is it ok to have one meal every so often for a special occasion, like for mine or my husbands birthday, or on holidays when I just want to enjoy food? I don’t mean go crazy, just potentially a more carb heavy meal, with a slice of cake for dessert? I’m talking like 4 times a year possibly, not every week or month even.

I’m also unsure of the rules around drinking alcohol whilst on metformin? I understand the risks of dehydration and lactic acidosis and I don’t drink at all except for when at a festival in the summer for example when it would be nice to enjoy festival culture and drink freely (whilst staying hydrated ofc).

If anyone has any advice or experience with anything in my post I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.
Welcome to the forum, many people have found themselves in your situation and have managed to pull things back to normal levels so all is not lost.
Metformin alone will not reduce blood glucose by very much and dietary changes which will be needed. Many find a low carbohydrate approach rather than watching calories as it is hard work to do both and it is carbohydrates that convert to glucose so need to be reduced in your diet. By finding a way of eating that you enjoy it can become your new way of eating for life. Have a look at this link for an approach which many have found successful at reducing blood glucose and losing weight.
You ask about occasional treats such as meals out, there is no reason why that is not possible as long as they are just that and don't become a regular thing. As you adopt a better way of eating you will be able to choose meals out that will not do too much damage and you will find your tastes change and things like cakes and deserts will seem far too sweet and sickly.
Choosing wines or spirits with diet mixers in moderation of course are the lowest carb drinks though somebody mentioned a low carb beer Marstons I think which looked good. Even when on metformin people allow themselves a few drinks without any issue.
What was you HbA1C as that will indicate how much work you need to do.
I think the doctor said it was around 126 (I think), she actually didn’t give me the specific numbers and what range it should be in. She did however reiterate that it was obviously very high so I know there is a lot of work to do. Thank you for your reply it’s been helpful.
I think the doctor said it was around 126 (I think), she actually didn’t give me the specific numbers and what range it should be in. She did however reiterate that it was obviously very high so I know there is a lot of work to do. Thank you for your reply it’s been helpful.
Yes that is very high, the diagnostic threshold is anything over 47mmol/mol but many who are here have started at that level. I thing you need to be getting your levels down somewhat before thinking about having treats.
I would also suggest getting some ketone urine dip stick to check for ketones and high ketones and high blood glucose puts you at risk of DKA which is dangerous and would need immediate medical attention.
I think if your dietary changes don't start to bring your levels down then additional medication may be on the cards.
@Sbelle97 - you are only 27?
I beg you to take it seriously and make your day by day 'normal' diet one which will hopefully reduce your blood glucose levels more towards safe numbers.
Hopefully the Metformin will help and you don't react badly to it.
My experience with the explosive incontinence was enough to give me a will of iron when it comes to high carb foods - but show me a bowl of strawberries and well.....
That is the thing though - I avoid high carb foods, one day at a time but for weeks/months on end, then if I do eat something high carb I can tolerate it. I make things I can eat, such as sugar free ice lollies and ice cream which is cream and eggs, also sugar free. I visit the sugarfreelondoner website and chose recipes for things to bake.
Seven years from diagnosis I feel great, and I have normal test results - I can do this for as long as I need to.
I found having a meter and strips to test my blood glucose levels really helped with food choices - only you can decide if it might make you anxious and be counterproductive in the long run of your situation.
With that high HbA1c indicating some high glucose levels it would be best to make changes gradually as low carb can be a bit of a shock - plus you should have many years in which to find the way of eating which is going to be good for you.
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