Treatment induced neuropathy


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Can anyone share their experience of this please? I've just spotted a comment on another post.

With medication, diet and dexcom my bs have massively reduced in the last few weeks. I have nerve pain sporadically due to another condition, but it's been getting worse and it's going wild this morning!
Can anyone share their experience of this please? I've just spotted a comment on another post.

With medication, diet and dexcom my bs have massively reduced in the last few weeks. I have nerve pain sporadically due to another condition, but it's been getting worse and it's going wild this morning!
Is the treatment you cite lowering your sugar numbers or something else?

I had post-surgical neuropathy on my ribcage a few years ago. It was extremely uncomfortable, especially wearing underwear.

Anyway, it eventually abated, however I did have a period of taking R-ALA which may, or may not have helped. I do know someone with neuropathy in her feet, following cancer treatment and she swears by R-ALA. If she stops taking it, her pain ramps up.
I still d
Like all treatments, whether OTC or prescribed it may or may not be successful for any given individual, but when I tried it, I did so because I was plain old fed up of pain doctors could not reassure me would ever go away. Thankfully it did, although I still avoid underwired bras, unless for short periods, and that still hurts a lot.

If you do look into it and decide to give it a go, please ensure you try R-ALA, and not just ALA. These are the ones I took, or the recommendation of my chum, just for information:,aps,146&sr=8-5