treating hypos

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Relationship to Diabetes

I'm still a learner (4weeks in) so excuse me if this is a silly question. I've been told to treat hypos by giving my son (2yrs) 2 glucotabs then check him 10 mins later to make sure his levels are going up. I mentioned that it's hard to stop him from eating for 10 mins when he's hungry so they said I could give him his food and test him after he's eaten or during his meal (which is easier said than done as he is a mucky eater). My question is won't his BG be inaccurate if I test him after his meal and then do the wizard to bolus? If he's only a little bit low can I put 3.7 into the wizard and the amount of carbs or should I always bolus after I know his levels have gone up?

Hi Gabby,

I wouldn't give him his bolus until after you know that his BG is back above 4.0.
Also, although it's hard to stop him, it really is best if you can make hime wait until is BG levels have risen before you let him have his meal as the food in his meal may slow down the body's absorption of the Glucotabs and therefore slow down his recovery from the hypo.
If you test ten mins into the meal then the chances are that the BG reading will only have been affected by the Glucotabs. The meal will probably take much longer than 10 mins to affect the BG.

Hope this makes sense.

Hi Keith

That is a great help and does make sense. It's a bit tricky at the moment as we are having a lot of hypos because he is in the honeymoon stage.

Thanks for your help
Hi Gabby,

glad to be of help.

If you find that the hypos are happening too often then it may be worth a call to your DSN as it may be that the dosage needs reducing until the honeymoon period is over.
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