Travelling with insulin and creon?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Was started on insulin in Dec 2021, finally after months of begging, I was started on Creon last month and I am now due to have part or all my pancreas removed in May 22. Having lost weight for 6 months due to pancreatic exocrine insufficiency I am now told I have to bulk up for surgery because I will be unable to eat post op and will take several months to recover so will lose further can't make it up can you?! Hopefully they will find a benign cyst and remove it then I will be able to live for many more years. If not benign then.......

Rant over.

Before my surgery I am going on holiday to Greece (airports/airlines permitting).
This is first time I will have flown and gone to a hot country with insulin and Creon.
Any travel advice for this journey from you lovely people would be welcomed.

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This is first time I will have flown and gone to a hot country with insulin and Creon.
Any travel advice for this journey from you lovely people would be welcomed.
The standard advice includes getting a letter explaining the sharp bits of metal and liquids (insulin) that you need from either your GP or DSN (GPs may charge, so consider asking your DSN if that's the case). Take more medication than you expect to need (delays can happen). Take all your medication with you in the cabin so it can't get lost (or frozen in the hold). To keep insulin cool, using Frio pouches seems to be most practical. (I don't know whether Creon is sensitive to heat.)
I don't know whether creon's affected by heat either - but I do know that I am!! I become much more sensitive to insulin. Had several (beach) holidays in southern Crete when I've not needed any bolus insulin all day until my evening meal. I put that down to both the extra exercise walking and swimming - and the heat. Oh yes indeed - DO invest in Frio! Oh and take TWICE as much of whatever you'll need with you has always been best advice.
Hi @Chris88
Creon instructions say " Do not store above 25 degrees C.... If the container is left in warm conditions (eg the glove compartment of a car), the digestive activity decreases faster)." Having said that I've taken them out on hot days and haven't noticed a problem. Probably best not to cook them for too long, though!
I’ve split your travel questions and replies into a thread if their own @Chris88 - so any more replies don’t get muddled with the other member’s intro.

Been to Greece in July & it does get very hot there, Frio pouch will keep insulin cool as Bruce mentions above.

Take creon myself but not been abroad since starting on it, but we do get some warm weather here & not had problem with it deteriorating in car or in pocket when out & about.

When starting on Creon got some small medicine bottles from pharmacy, handy for pockets & such as each one can hold 20 capsules, keeps them fresh & better than carry original container when out for day.

Enjoy Greece, make sure to do boat trip to Rhodes you won't regret it.
I’ve been taking Creon for 15 years and travelled extensively. Like any meds I try and keep it out of the sun. Like @nonethewiser says, dispense into smaller containers and just take what you need when out and about and leave the big bottle in your, hopefully, cooler accommodation, ie not on the window sill! 😉 Enjoy your holiday. I love Greece and I’m really jealous, we’ve opted, yet again, to stay on UK soil this year so far because of the hassle. Fingers crossed all will be well. My daughter is going to Corfu next week, all being well.

Good luck with the op, the docs right, you won’t feel much like eating after surgery. Little and often was the only way I could deal with food. My tumour, luckily, was benign and I’m still here 15 years later.
Was started on insulin in Dec 2021, finally after months of begging, I was started on Creon last month and I am now due to have part or all my pancreas removed in May 22. Having lost weight for 6 months due to pancreatic exocrine insufficiency I am now told I have to bulk up for surgery because I will be unable to eat post op and will take several months to recover so will lose further can't make it up can you?! Hopefully they will find a benign cyst and remove it then I will be able to live for many more years. If not benign then.......

Rant over.

Before my surgery I am going on holiday to Greece (airports/airlines permitting).
This is first time I will have flown and gone to a hot country with insulin and Creon.
Any travel advice for this journey from you lovely people would be welcomed.

Hi Chris,
I had my pancreas removed last September, still in recovery,I won’t lie,it has been extremely difficult,dealing with the surgery and the diabetes. I’m learning every day.
Glad you asked about taking creon abroad,never occurred to me that the heat may have an effect. Good to know though as we fly to Croatia next week.
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